
TFA actually feels like a Star Wars movie. That was the most important thing to me.

"Even I get boarded."

The next question is did they prove his guilt beyond reasonable doubt? Or does a racist lead investigator change perspectives and conclusions?

Stop using age-old Internet arguments in these discussions. They don't work anymore (not that they really did to begin with)…

There were fucking commercials every five to six minutes. It was infuriating.

Vanna's downtrodden reaction makes that scene even more incredible.

If it means being rid of Klinsmann, maybe losing isn't such a bad thing.

This episode was very reminiscent of playing Left 4 Dead with noobs. They always wander off by themselves, bringing a fuckton of trouble down, trouble the experienced players usually have to save them from. Then there's the Eugene player, one who has just enough experience to be a danger to themselves, usually by

Raiders is still the top but I've always had Temple in second place. I didn't hate Last Crusade or anything, but I didn't like it as much others do/did.

What more do you want, huh? It's in the background, doing it's thing (delivering the mail). Why does everything have to be front and center for it to be considered diverse?


Cannot f'n wait.

College basketball. Lots and lots of college basketball. Same is on tap for this upcoming weekend, too.

And yet, it was still a great movie. So there's that. Don't forget about Guardians, either. Both of these movies compare favorably to the critical darlings, at least in the way of entertainment and crafting the final product.

Winter Soldier didn't deserve its praise?

Which is weird considering they've been making this for, what, two-plus years? Surely they have a decent Spider-Man CGI model to work with by now…

Yeah, no. I tried to be open-minded, but it did absolutely nothing for me. It comes across like a well-financed fangirl film…

Damone, the hidden track on the Deftones' Around the Fur is pretty fucking great.

Jim Kelly. The martial artist/actor. Not the quarterback. The reason is pretty obvious.
