Jeep XJ owners have been using stiffeners for many years with good results
So they hit 331mph Canadian?
Jesus man! Your answer was twice as long as her entire article!
Ho do you know it splashed? Why couldn’t it have broken free of gravity and now be a stellar object?
They’re not much slower, especially depending on the track. Here are Monza times going back a ways. Every version is pretty damn fast despite the occasional effort to slow them back down.
If there isn’t enuf complaining on Jalop, I head over to the ROOT, scan through their articles. That usually stops me from returning for a while. Years ago we used to learn things here but now it’s like the CNN of car stories.
Hamilton is a a Tool as in overinflated ego. Senna’s problems lie in ethics and determination to win at all costs. Nice Introspective of how Senna Changed.
Hamilton is a Tool and can **** ******* **** Different era and very different tracks
Um, but will it be faster than a Fiesta ST?
I agree !
What? He has never, not once, run a race in F1 without a Mercedes engine. Furthermore, he only won one championship with McLaren. Which 6 championships did he win without Mercedes?
He is so full of bullshit and himself, that I find it impossible to care anymore about anything Hamilton says, I could not care less about this particular mans thoughts and/or believes. In fact, because all the nonsense that he goes on about all the time, I think he undermines the real effort and justice fight…
I think you’re on the wrong site here
Too afraid to give anyone ideas. If we’re all quiet, maybe the prices won’t go up.
Elon sucks.
Stoked about the victory in Bolivia.