It looks exactly like a Ferrari front end glued to an Alfa 4/8C end.
It looks exactly like a Ferrari front end glued to an Alfa 4/8C end.
You’re too poor to understand, probably
The idea that women oriented companies would want to sponsor a race team primarily viewed by men was flawed from the start.
I understand the gravity behind the situation, I think. But isn’t fielding an exclusively female team the definition of a gimmick?
Is that the nuclear reactor he is financing that is cooled by liquid metal? The scope of what Gates is trying to achieve AFTER he already built one of the most successful empires in modern capitalism is literally mind-blowing.
Elon, I’ve warned you and now it’s time for quiet-time.
whatever, pedo
We may be enthusiasts, but you have to write for the SEO and non-enthusiasts that may still find the article interesting and be pulled in to the article via third-party sources.
They’re really taking their competition with Tesla seriously.
Yeah but what am I, an investor? Who cares?
Also a lot boringer.
They drove on the dead dirt. How is it irreparably damaged? Serious question.
Must me an American market thing - they are super popular here in Australia and you can get good enough ones for about 3-400 USD
I’m surprised at the negative reaction that overlanding and overlanding builds have gotten in some places. I mean, yes you can just bring a tent, but as a car person, one of the most enjoyable things is taking a car and modifying it to suit your needs. So if you like cars, camping, and a bit of off road driving, why…
Shooting brake!
Well, first, every community has battle lines like this.
As an English major, I will absolutely defend anyone who wants others to respect the true definition of a word.
Yeah...but that’s not the definition of overlanding, dense one.
Don’t be obtuse. Jesus.
Anyone who needs to ask.