
Could you folks do a “Best ‘Dumb’ TV” article? Before I bought my last TV a few months ago, I had a hard time finding any with HDR/4K that was “good.”

The Digital Underground and JARVIS?

That was one of her points.

By virtue of being black, characters like Black Panther are destined to be “political.”

I ordered 9 things on amazon this weekend and i hope my city wins the amazon 2nd HQ. The biggest employer here pays no local property tax and was incentivized to build here. Then it brought 20k professional jobs to the area. This town has gone through a massive boom because of them and its a great city.

Products aren’t “Black” even if mostly black people use them. 

Sometimes when I’m trying to slip Ivanka some tongue, her big teeth obstruct me

McGhan threatened to quit, because if he didn’t he could be implicated in the obstruction of justice charge and could be disbarred. He was under a ethical (read: rules for lawyers) obligation to resign if Trump pushed that issue.


Me: We are GOING to see Black Panther.

God, I know the feeling. I know it so much. I’m a black nerd, who grew up reading/watching all these fantasy/sci-fi stories, and as I grew up I began to ask myself “why are there hardly ever any black people in these stories? Why don’t we get to go on these amazing adventures?”


He’s not wrong, but he is also very wrong.

Whaddya want? He’s wearing a Warriors’ jersey now; he has to find some way to fit in with the others...

“Durant has said that his play in the final minute ‘felt clean’.”

Watching people go through chronic pain makes me read your opening paragraph and say “Fuck you”.

I get that he has million of dollars to ease his suffering, but when pain limits you from what you want to do, it sucks, even when you are wealthy.

Yes. Greedy Sony. The same company that gave free Backward Compatibility not once, but twice, and even 3 and 4 times. Had nothing to do with an entire console generations worth of gamers thumbing their noses at PS2 and PS1 BC on PS3 like it was nothing. It was totally greed. Totally greed now too.

LOL! The most bizarre for me involved the incident in which an inebriated, white co-worker kept leaving messages on my answering machine while I was in the middle of “making the stirring of macaroni & cheese” sounds with my boyfriend at the time. At the time, I was on bereavement leave from work (my grandpa died) and

Today’s lesson:

Sweet potato pie is so much better than pumpkin. I used to have some family members that wouldn’t eat mine because of weird hangups (not allergy or anything). I would just call it a pumpkin pie, they’d eat it up and say it was some of the best pumpkin pie they ever had.