
“Assassin's Creed, but with a manageable playtime and more FUN" sounds right up my alley

It sounds like she wasn’t writing what they wanted her to write.

I’m far from Biden’s biggest fan and have a lot of reservations about him for the reasons you mention, but pretending he’s the same as Trump is nonsense.

Well, as long as you cared so little about it to take the time to write a comment on how little you care about it.

It’s the worst at portraying anyone!

I mean “Por que no los dos?”

Wasn’t the only child change. Diggle had a daughter in the first few seasons of Arrow. The Barry caused Flashpoint and Diggle’s daughter became his son. Post-Crisis, Diggle now has both a daughter AND a son. And he adopts Bronze Tiger’s son later on.

Sorry I asked. 

Theirs. They made Lois pregnant in Season 4 to explain why Superman wasn't around to help out against the Big Bads, then Crisis changed their single baby son to two preteen boys.

Having a giant “who gives a shit” moment with this bit of ”news.” I could have lived the rest of my life without knowing this and still have the same outcome. This is, honestly, the most non-news news I've ever read. 2020 journalism, ladies and gentlemen.

I honestly have no idea how anyone draws any sort of conclusion from these posts. Her first post references being fired due to subpar work, then she talks about flagging insensitive content as a counter to that (which it isn’t), and adds that her coworkers confirmed she was doing a good job (which in my experience

It’s really about ethics in superhero journalism.

I doubt she’s that clueless.

James Cameron is the Steve Jobs of movies. I don’t know what that means either. 

She is good at winning elections in a very liberal area. She has yet to demonstrate an ability to:

The Democratic Party has firmly established how it sees its “future” with the nomination of Biden, and it isn’t towards anything progressive. The Democratic Party is the oldest capitalist party in modern history; it is the party of Wall Street and the military-intelligence agencies, of slavery and Jim Crow, of

Is this parody?

I’m not exactly sure what to think about this. On the one hand I think it’s smart for a politician to connect with voters on a platform that everybody else is ignoring. But on the other hand, I’m absolutely sick and tired of politics right now, and Twitch is one of the places I go to escape it all.

So that’s what the kids are looking for in politicians these days?  One who plays video games?

Millennials who enjoy jokes at the expense of millennials?