I thought the same, like “eh, a Marvel’s Black Panther shirt, what’s wrong with that?” but then...
I thought the same, like “eh, a Marvel’s Black Panther shirt, what’s wrong with that?” but then...
“After Covington’s flapping jaw became the first documented time traveler by being knocked into the middle of next week...”
“Are we the love guys?”
DLC is the second coming.
Devianart: The Fantasy Game
For people like me that spend all day at work, play at night at home and might want to lay on bed on the weekends, this seems like a no brainer.
Shit, we didn’t need to collect that much data. In both the reddit threads I saw where the announcement trailer was put (r/games and r/pcgaming) more than half the comments were “I need to update my hardware”.
the sociopathic old testament
Or alive.
Yes, yes, it’s good, but I’ll wait until you all play the beta and they fix the patches for the cheaper proper release (aka GOTY or some name they make up) that will be released later. Just like SFV CE.
Well, it speaks volumes that I know what are the *possible* next Spiderman movies and, on the other hand, I totally forgot this was released...
Newspaper is the superior option, can be used as a blanket too!
Seems I’ll wait for the “We fixed everything” Special Edition.
When the game is complete, the ads will form a 2 hour movie that unlocks a character in the next Dissidia that is the hero that will tie everything together.
Oh great, all Blizzard had to do to swept the whole Hong Kong drama under the rug was to issue a shitty, half-hearted apology and wiggle two new games as bait and presto! Everyone loves them again.
Wonder if this game is built with the latest Unreal engine or Chinese goverment sponsored bans.
Or tomorrow, we cannot give them too much time off.
*Implying Wish will ever run out of crap to sell*
I mean, the fact that the company made a nice throphy to say “Who’s a good boy?” it’s eyerolling in itself.