We need an app that warns us about other apps.
We need an app that warns us about other apps.
Luke Skywalker: I’m about to end this man’s whole build career.
I bet there are independent contractors working on it.
That’s what the drill is for...
Assassin’s Creed: Chimpanzee
You wanted evolved dinosaurs. I know you do.
As I’ve stated before, I grab the free games and don’t care too much about the drama. But it would be nice if for once Kotaku did a little more work and painted the whole picture, like the whole Kickstarter fiasco of developers that promised Steam keys and then took Epic exclusivity, backers be dammed. Or how Sweeney…
I got one copy on Steam and one on Epic.
does anyone like Spawn?
Sound very, VERY interesting. Seeing as lately I’ve grow bored of playing and like to watch interviews and listen to podcasts like Reply All, this sounds right in my alley. Would check it out.
Indeed. My fingers are faster than my brain sometimes.
Actually no, haven’t had a single instance of uPlay asking me to change my password. Must be a lucky guy.
Apparently “working as intended” is wishful thinking.
I have uPlay, Origin, Steam, GOG and now Epic. I’ve gotten all the free games they’ve released. Am I going to buy something at their store eventually? Dunno right now. But I’m also not going to go to war against a corporation in lieu of another one.
I don’t remember me writing this, but hell, totally accurate.
You guys are doing a shit job.
Perhaps like Squaresoft did with the reissues/remakes of Final Fantasy 1 that added a fast walking button and other Quality of Life features?
I’m curious, and I think it’s a good moment to ask: I was thinking the other day, why and when do we accepted be called Latinx? Because suddenly I realized Latin America is not a country, not even a zone like Europe, for example. There’s Mexico, Guatemala, Argentina, Brazil, Puerto Rico, etc. etc. etc. At some point,…
and then the planet gets Death Stared.
Huh. It was very interesting to me finding about that info about how much she made. Now reading the whole piece puts other things in perspective. But my first thought wasn’t “she was a fool for not making money” at all. My first thought was “how someone who risk her health (because let’s face it, a single lie, a…