
Maybe Martha will shoot or attempt to shoot Clark…or shoot herself, which will make a monster of a problem when her parents start asking about the husband.

Did we hear Mail Robot whirring close by right after Stan and Agent Aderholt finished their conversation about illegals?

Not certain Laoghaire functions at the same level (normal, if you will) as others. Murtagh said that even at 50, she'd still be a girl. Unrequited love in a teenager, and one that promises to always function a little more slowly than others, could easily be an issue that consumes her. Her reaction of the 'evil

What did she pick up, (or did she drop - I missed the details), from under the sink? Was that a tape made from Mailbot's bug? She was in the US before the opportunity to bug Mailbot emerged, so just what is she doing for the KGB?

I still have to wonder about Pastor Tim and what sure appears to be a wig - perhaps of Russian origin?? Seems he might be working Paige against her parents, when his long range goal is to encourage her to seek a closer connection to her parents. That, in turn, opens the door to her work with her parents, the door

She knows she is implicated re: the pen. She's accepted that and may feel it's inevitable she'll be found out. She wants to set him up with a trap of her own. As I said, she may lose job, freedom or life, but this us her way of destroying what has effectvely destroyed her.

He exists to her, and she will know how the bug got in mail robot if it is discovered. Not certain how, but she will find some way to suggest mail robot is checked out…if discovered, she has her ammunition to go after Phillip. It may cost her big time, job, freedom, maybe life, but I think she's prepared to get the

I immediately thought that her obvious change in emotions/demeanour indicated that she had come to some catharsis. Seems most feel she's trying to placate Phillip and be a good wife, doing things he wants, like backing out on fostering or adoption. I think she now knows exactly what's going on, and is happy in her

The minute Betty saw E, she picked up the phone to call 'someone'. She had access to some type of help, probably the son.

They definitely did…