
The European Union has given me a lot of things. It’s helped my country build itself into a strong and liberal first world nation, it’s given me a sense of identity and belonging across the continent and today it killed the horrible auto-play video on the Gizmodo Media sites.

Can we keep the non auto-playing videos? Seriously, those are the worst - and they even start up by themselves on mobile.

This is what it looks like if you try to watch a video ad on Gizmodo from the EU now.

Fucking diets. Meh. Limit carbs. Eat good fats. Exercise. You don’t need all this bullshit. I’ve been seeing this kind of shit since the 80’s. All fads.

Man you are going to have a terribly hard time finding a new job.

close comments, we’re done here

“I told by Applecare that I could walk in the store and get the part!”

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”

“The shitters are getting bolder” is a phrase I never thought would pass through my mind, yet here we are.

Anyone who tells me that the world isn’t ruled by a race of intelligent reptilians needs to pull down their pants to prove they have no tail, or I’m not buying it.

The Bob Dylan interview in 1987 that broke my freshman heart, and every last shred of respect for him. NB, he adulates U2 three lines later in the interview. Bold mine.

The interviewer notes that Linton had to be persuaded to pose in “beautiful dresses,”

Typical of a Llama to spit in the face of victims.

Much growth. Very brave. Wow.

Wow, Leo sure likes the cargo DadShorts

Wow so brave

Not whimsical enough!

A good rule in disputes between neighbors, especially rich, privileged ones, is trust no one. There are truly horrible neighbors who impose extreme noise on others. There are also truly horrible neighbors who have eggshell-like sensitivity to every little thing (“your tree’s too tall,” “your air conditioner’s too

His most successful tunnelling endeavour to date

My Dad grew up in eastern Kentucky, about 80 miles up Highway 27 from Frozen Head. He ran all through high school, and even got a cross country scholarship to a school in North Carolina. Like most people from rural Kentucky, going to college 200 miles away was about 195 miles too far, so he dropped out, came back,