
Oh, she got served.

I'm sure Gerrard is kicking himself today.

Am I wrong in saying that the 2022 World Cup isn't in 2021?

I just got it to work by fusing 16 oxygens together....

This is about the only way the Astro's can get any extra R's on the board.

It looked to me like he was holding the ball with glove and bare hand, and simply pulled it out after the tag to show the ump, and avoid it being dislodged from the glove alone. Pretty standard catcher stuff. That donkey was out.

SPOILER WARNING: Was it just me that felt that Tyrion was trying to tell Oberyn that it wasn't actually Rhaegar's son (Aegon) that was killed by the Mountain back during Robert's Rebellion, or at least the show's writers foreshadowing that it wasn't him via Tyrion? Considering the show deviates from the books once

Obviously a catfish.

-pitching mounds accidentally replaced by pitching almond joys

What's even more haunting is that they had to remove the nuts section to make room for this monstrosity.

This is old hat for Jamaican writers. They're used to burning all night and day.

Rust Cohle thinks his beer circle is flat.

Should we start calling it a LOOKING UP offense?

Ok, done. But how is the mayonnaise in my ass going to stop my eye from getting infected?

Colon blow would be a solid number two choice...

I'm surprised this didn't make your list:

Lists, Ranked:


Quit brusting my balls, man.