
My team is doing well so far. Here's hoping they don't die in the playoffs yet AGAIN...

Halfs are addicting—good luck tomorrow! (If it's the Long Beach Half, I have online buddies who are running, so you'll be with good people!)

Ex-smoker here—hope this helps:

Good reply—stay strong!

Jesus, I almost picked an apartment in Venice when I moved to Los Angeles.

"God, I hope these people aren't noticing that Michelle's dress is much hotter and more stylish than mine is...."

Just tweeted that company. Can't believe they were tone-deaf enough not to have thought of having at least a token girl or two playing basketball FFS...

Have you seen Game Change? I don't know how accurate the film is, but it has a scene where McCain's campaign does research on potential female running mates, and rejects several of those women because ""

Sure, but it's one thing to have shows about wedding dresses—not my thing, but others seem to like them. Quite another to run ads that suggest women equate voting with picking out a dress. Thanks for taking us seriously, GOP!

Huh, that may explain why I go into the grey when I comment on Gawker or Deadspin, as opposed to here.

And here's one that may have come out after the Daily Show's segment was filmed. Using actual Republican candidates and officeholders as opposed to brides and singles. Hilariously enough, the ending line is "taking back the future." Thanks, GOP, but you're losing women in no small part due to the fact that we don't

/better than nothing

Actually, Conflict Kitchen does more than just serve food—it also promotes awareness:

My friend says I'm a stalker, but I disagree. Not only have I never before been accused of such, but I am also NOT a stalker. I was telling him a story of how I followed this waitress home from work to ask her out, and that's when he accused me. I told him I thought there was nothing wrong with what I did and, in

sunglasses on, even when they're not necessary (which incidentally doesn't make you look cool or sexy, only unapproachable)

That is all.

Some people really really have this thing in their head: if, uh, if marriage equality is passed, it somehow, um, interrupts their marriage. She said to me that, and she said she wasn't voting for me anymore, and I told her "If this somehow interrupts your marriage, then your marriage was in trouble in the first

This new standard will inevitably snag some guys who earnestly meant no harm.

Among the other reasons this article already mentions for this idea to make me alternate between SMDH and LMFAO...