
If you present yourself as easy prey, then expect to attract some wolves.

"And you kids get off my lawn!!!"

Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

Yeah, I know that whenever I want to learn something about what women want, I turn to Men's Health...

I'll pitch in if you get a wait list...I can't claim that my futon is as comfy as my bed, but fuck, at this point I'll sleep on the futon if that helps someone from a forced-birther state...

"The fact of the matter is we believe that any woman that's faced with unplanned pregnancy deserves condensation, restriction, criticism," Priebus replied.

From the WaPo link in this post:

Since I already see a post going on about "lowered standards," bring us back to the reality-based community, WaPo link:

I know everyone else is telling you this, but I also want to tell you that you will be missed. I hope to see your work in another website or venue soon!

While the university administration believes that it is important to offer opportunities for sex education to college students, it should be done quietly, so no one makes a fuss in a careful and respectful manner. We will do a better job in the future of making sure that no politically powerful groups or big bucks

The ACLU has filed suit against the law, claiming that it's unconstitutional garbage.

I guess this guy was trying to be funny, or...?

Rachel Carson would like a word with the troop leaders who aren't booking those science sessions CSC mentioned:

Surely we can come up with a name that more accurately reflects what is going on in that team's city? I'll start: