
I know everyone else is saying this, but...

Here's another one that goes well with the GOP ad:

Second day in a row that I thought I clicked on The Onion instead of Jez...

I'm with her, on both counts...

Ew...just ew...

Did I click on The Onion instead of Jezebel?

Since the takeover last year of Interim LSU by LCMC Health, a private hospital company, sexual assault victims are being billed for some lab work and other costs. LCMC Health officials say the hospital isn't charging victims for the forensic part of the exam, only for tests that the patient can choose to do without.

I've got two rescues, and what you are feeling is perfectly normal. I was VERY freaked out with the first one since it had been years since I'd had a dog, I literally took him in at 8:00 PM (some kids found him in a park and no one else stepped up to take him.) I spent half the next day at work Googling "how to care

This video was just what I needed today—thanks.

And these people have the nerve to tell Native Americans that they're the overly sensitive ones?

This is why I'll never buy a jersey with the name of a specific player. I just don't trust any athlete to be a good person anymore.

I used to live there! Now I'm in Silver Lake, which was called the hipster capital of the world by Forbes, but I still think of UH as a cool area. Enjoy!

This could be huge, considering that the consensus seems to be that Goodell's job is likely safe since the team owners love him for making shitloads of money for the NFL. But if the league starts losing major sponsors, the owners might tell Goodell something else...


I'd say the person who said that may have meant "I don't believe in committing domestic violence," except for the fact that the rest of that person's comment indicates that they don't give a flying $#@& about DV or its victims...

Oh, to be a fly on the wall in the offices of the powers that be at Columbia. I'd love to know the inside scoop on how they are planning to respond to the story that they can't make go away...

Now that you mention it, I should send a case of wine to Jez' mods. I'm sure they could use it...