
These are trademark cases, not copyright cases, btw.

Yeah, as a huge fan of both bands and tracks: no.

The difference here, and I'm not suggesting you're not aware of it, is that "leafy" means one thing. "Gay" has come to have more than one definition, of which one is undeniably and unfortunately used in a pejorative manner. I think Morrison could have said what he meant more accurately and without qualification, but


Thanks, man! I haven't been on in a while, or I'd have appreciated your approval earlier.

I think, accounting for other factors, the reluctance of NBA players to use the backboard on this shot is the real culprit here. It's more than a finesse shot, because of the angle and distance, but using the backboard is perceived as a dorky way to make a shot. Duncan and Bosh are two big men who are beyond

Fantastic article with a responsive and thoughtful featured thread. Other than the obvious sadness of the underlying subject matter, I cannot think of a better way to get my brain warmed up first thing in the morning. I'm only an io9 newby, but @Charlie Jane Anders has written several quality posts since my arrival.

Someone please apply this modeling to the natural gas bubble. It's painful, and I promise I won't eat jalapenos anymore if you can tell me when it will collapse.


Fantastic. Space remains an uncharted frontier, and like our push westward more than a century ago, it will certainly take death and drama to chart. We need another Homestead Act to get things going. I'd like to see the off-world mining colonies in my lifetime.

Mom! I got a job as a runway model.

Hahahahaha. My stomach hurts.

I interpreted the humanoid figure in the trailer much the same way. It's not possible that all the secrets of such a project are revealed in one trailer, is it? I need the madness and the fear and the hair (or lack thereof) standing up on the back of my neck; I will be inconsolable if the space jockeys are just space

Only if you can stomachs it.

Viva la serial comma!!!

I believe that skule is a fake school, but I'm sure you're too serious to play along.

Nope. He doesn't age, but the girls do. Your Dazed and Confused routine is confused.

Indefensible? Just because they didn't win a championship? Their offense was good, though.