
This is why I mate you.

I was at work. But now I have some free time. Here we goooooooo.

Goddammit, Phillip.

Okay, time for an unofficial list thingy. So why don't we all just reply to this thread (myself included) with our top ten scenes from a film from 2014.

Films! Films! Films!

Oh, perfect. Expect the most correct list sometime tomorrow afternoon.

Just saw my 70th film from 2014. I will try to do a 71st before submitting my list. Randy, we have until you wake up tomorrow, right? Or are we doing a midnight deadline?

Sure, buddy. Just like you didn't have sexual relations with an animal. ;-)

I agree, however I must point out that this "scene" is so quick and short I honestly didn't know it was in the film, and I saw it yesterday. I guess I wasn't paying close enough attention but I thought the film was playing with only fictional politicians.

You guys have the weirdest foreplay.

I don't think you are, but this is a public space so I just wanted to make sure people knew that it was sensitive content. My father is at work right now. What if he found this place and saw that comment and felt compelled to click on it? Is that so crazy to think?! HE LOVES CHOCOLATE.

I don't post often anymore, but when I do: there's substance.

NSFW if you scroll down to the GIF and the video, but the header image might be worth a click:

That's actually scarily close to how the process works. The gif attached to the article has scarred me for life, but luckily I already don't eat chocolate. Or buttholes.

Thanks for ruining the surprise for SBT I alluded to up above, asshole. But like, genuine asshole. You're not a chocolate asshole. Just a meanie!

I know what I'm getting you for Valentine's Day. ;;;;;;;-)

If you're not a sweets-person, you can also get a bronzed butthole.


Nope. It is just the butthole.

I found an article detailing a company that will make chocolate impressions of your butthole, so that your significant other can eat them… This is not a joke.