
Oh vey! The idiotic behavior of all involved. Their bad- hire a lawyer to iron out a morals clause & have your employees sign it before you fire then for such reasons. Her bad - do not work for a religious organization & tell your boss when you violate religious teaching.

I was most likely a trifle

You can give yourself head? That's impressively flexible.

What anyone wants or needs out of sex is intensely personal

(I offer that the start of human sex commences with the beginning of sexual touching and ends when no one needs to be sexually touched anymore because both are satisfied, however that is defined between the participants.)

I agree. Putting up immigrants in the Vatican City would be like putting up immigrants in the Pentagon and the Louvre.

Yeeeeeaaaaah, ask some lesbians. Lesbian sex just goes on and on and on, in a good way. The trick? Penetration is NOT the focus.

Yeah, I’m on board with everyone else, unless you can squeeze a few refugees next to one of the Ciao Bella t-shirt carts in the piazza.

I know right. I can’t believe people even think this is a logistical possibility and mean ole Pope doesn’t want immigrants making his robe dirty or something.

Ummm like where? Renard gave you map. Please point out where you would like to put human beings? Should they knock down St. Peter’s Basilica and turn it into affordable refugee housing? Most refugees don’t WANT to live in Vatican city and it would be a dumb idea to put them there because they have zero infrastructure


Have you been to Vatican City? I’m not fan of the pope, but VC is teeny tiny. Humanitarian or not, there is a logistical space issue of allowing more people to move in there.

they’ve encouraged Catholic parishes to accept and welcome immigrants, but the Vatican City isn’t really a place where anyone who isn’t church staff lives, so I think the criticism they’ve gotten has been unfair. It’s not much more than a few city blocks in the middle of Rome that is almost entirely taken up by the

I don’t expect Mulcair to be the next Chrétien. He’s no Jack Layton.

We’ve had some great leaders. Sir Wilfrid Laurier was PM from 1896 to 1911. Jean Chrétien from 1993 to 2003.

I loved when his former eminence grise Tom Flanagan got pissed off enough to write about his personal style... temper tantrums followed by periods of depressive withdrawal, and the like. I wasn’t surprised in the least.

The hair jealousy is getting out of hand. I mean - Harper could take proper action and ditch the lego-man haircut. It’s not that hard! But that would be a reasonable response to a problem and I think he has proven himself anything but reasonable...

You have to understand, we can’t afford to have a bunch of undocumented Americans filling our public schools and emergency rooms!

We should all move to Canada.