Oh yeah there was also one of the worst lines I've ever heard this episode. Miss Jenny sees Henry being walked out of the cop shop and she says 'Hang in there, friend.' Who the hell would say that? So awkward.
Oh yeah there was also one of the worst lines I've ever heard this episode. Miss Jenny sees Henry being walked out of the cop shop and she says 'Hang in there, friend.' Who the hell would say that? So awkward.
There is an awkward overlap between the two names with American accents.
First time I've seen Trachtenberg in ages. Last time was maybe an episode of Gossip Girl I watched. By accident, I swear.
I wouldn't mind Abbie, the police officer, actually doing some police officering. Seriously, when was the last time she actually did work and didn't just hang out in the storage room/Buffy Library? She doesn't see to juggle real life and supernatural life at all. The closest we got was her hanging at her desk reading…
I wonder if it will turn out that Archer is mostly cybernetic and he just doesn't realise it because Mallory/Krieger have it done when he's KO from injury. I mean he just copped five bullets in the spine thanks to Conway, you don't come back from that without a crazy nazi sticking robot bits in you. And it would…
Re: Ray smoking down to the filter in one go
I absolutely loved how Bob liked Gene's Trashion and that he couldn't believe he liked it.
I'd love a bit with Doug and Boyle about food critique and they end up singing a song together
And Pineapple Express
I thought the episode was going to go on a more tragic route when Big Bob said he wasn't getting a prostate exam again.
There's a distinct lack of flowery dresses.
Ward has said several times he doesn't give a damn about Hydra, he was just following Garrett. So yeah, he's definitely in it for himself and seems to still want Skye. Getting good with her Dad will help there, so he'll be on the Dad's side for now.
He tackled her head right into the floor. I thought she was straight up dead for a second there and he'd be all broken up about killing a brainwashed agent.
Aww hell naw… Daleks!
I wonder if the actor was told where the character would be going. He must have been like a kid on christmas to read the scripts when Ward went whacko.
The Fades was a great show
I thought it was a really good episode. Also exercise bikes don't require electricity, you could even generate electricity if you could rig it. I'm more concerned about the lights turned on throughout all those hospital hallways for no reason.
I love how they started the 'turf war' but then just immediately started having fun slamming their bikes together
Sweet, I didn't even know you could do that