
This cult has its followers believing some crazy things. They believe they can fly, for instance.

They got a job working construction, for the Jonestown company.
But lately there aint been much work, on account of the economy.

1) Whatever effect Clinton's policies had on black people, to say they were "decimated" is nonsense and I suspect you couldn't even describe the exact effect without looking it up.
2) There's DOMA, sure, but that's one bill, not "numerous". DADT was a step forward from the previous policy of actively trying hard to

Yahoo Serious?

Heck, he's probably never read his own books.

"If this is going to be a time of healing, we must first put the responsibility for healing where it belongs: at the feet of Donald Trump, a sexual predator who lost the popular vote and fueled his campaign with bigotry and hate."

Baba Booey
Here I come again
My My
Howard Stern's penis

It's going to be about Mariah Carey?

Wait, I got it.

They're going to sing some of the same songs from the last one? What's the point?

So, what's the Donald Trump of musicals?


I thought you said Huey Lewis murdered your parents. Wait…

Tell that to President Heathcliff.

I know conservatives need to have their very own insults to hurl at the libtard cucks, but can't they come up with anything better? I mean, 'snowflake' doesn't even make sense. Since when was snow ultra-sensitive? And if being upset over the tiniest thing is so terrible, wouldn't that make Donald Trump a snowflake?

Must be off with the guy who always makes the same joke about how John Oliver EVISCERATES something.

Is it just me, or is Oliver getting jowls?

He eats pizza with A KNIFE AND FORK!!!

This sounds great. I can't wait to go there and shout "Rick James, bitch!" until Chappelle walks off stage.

What about ??