
I spent a year there around 1990, and lived in terror that somebody would ask  me about the show.

"Mmm.  Big!"

I think a reason I find the movie less enjoyable than the novel is that it gives you a view of their behavior from the outside rather than their POV. What sounds really funny in the first person can come across as really prickish if you're watching it. Not that that's a demerit to the movie.

it's about his mom it's about his mom it's about lovin his mom
and bein' without his mom and lovin' the hate that's hatin' the love
and his mom and all the time they're there
Hatin' the hate that's lovin' the hate it's love it's the love that's hate

a lot of those lovely visuals in the cell…
…were cribbed from artists like Jan Saudek (of the basement window and baby-kissing hunks) and that guy who "sliced" bodies with sheets of glass.