Thanks! I can wait until summer for sure. I'm JUST getting back to PC gaming after a 10 year console hiatus. I can take it slow ;-)
Thanks! I can wait until summer for sure. I'm JUST getting back to PC gaming after a 10 year console hiatus. I can take it slow ;-)
Pic #2
Yup.. almost daily for Pandora. Also, ocasionally to troubleshoot my router when something happens, since it's the only device that's hard wired into it.
Get the Nook Touch for one simple reason: (easy) sideloading.
The cover art is an affront to what these games stand for. It's actually making me think twice about the purchase. It's funny, I had no trouble with the (far worse) cover for the God Of War collection for some reason. But with these games, it's just.. wrong.
Those are great reads. As a fan of HAWP, I've been reading them since they've been up and enjoying them greatly.
Boy, that Android can be such a downer!
What about Hulu (or Hulu+)? I get a lot of my content from there!
Cool commercial. Bon Yurt is actually a yogurt + cereal combo. Delicious.. I wish they had that stuff over here in the States.
And it would be limited to Apple devices.
My exact reaction. Worst news I've heard all day.
October is too late. I've been holding back on the new Nook waiting to see what were Amazon's offerings for this year. Doesn't seem anything out of the ordinary though.
Sounds cool and all, but I'll be pissed if it breaks PS3 browser compatibility.
I don't get it. I've been taking screencaps on my EVO for months, using the Itching Thumb ([] task manager app (which was previously featured in Gizmodo []
Do yourself a favor and play AC5. It's one of my favorite games.
That's funny, as I was watching yesterday's announcement all I could think of was: "Google does a Kindle, and sells ad-supported Netbooks. To be called Chromebooks"
This fits very well with their Enterprise and Education strategy. I'm pretty sure that if you're a medium sized company, and want to move to Google's announced Chrome IT solution, you will most definitelly need devices for both mobile and desktop end users.
@Kaiser-Machead: I agree. I use Hulu, specially Hulu+ on my PS3 to complement Netflix. I think it's a sweet setup, and I would miss them tomorrow.
No shame... Whiskey IS better with ice.