
Men have a high center of gravity, broad shoulders, and narrow hips. Because of this we'll tip over if we sit with our legs together.

I tried masturbating several times over the course of my late teens and early twenties and I never got anywhere close to reaching orgasm. I read websites, I talked to my friends, I bought a vibrator, nothing worked. I vividly remember bursting into tears after having sex with my boyfriend once because I was so

The term you don't seem to have heard before is called Benign or Positive Bigotry. Basically, it means that you elevate someone purely on the basis of some quality they have, as opposed to who they are. The elderly don't need you to respect them on the basis of age. They're people who have lived their entire lives

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I've just watched several videos of tortoises turning over their friends who are upside down by doing exactly this — running their head up against the lower edge of the upside down tortoise. For example:

My partner recently became extremely upset with me when I said at a party that we do not have an egalitarian relationship when it comes to chores. He was convinced that we did. His chores are to keep the litterbox clean, tidy up the house and do the dishes on weekends, and take the trash out. I do everything else. He

There will be more studies like this about high-powered/promising women, one of which I'm part of, and they'll implicate husbands and the usual suspects in business, though perhaps more forcibly than before.

My husband tried to pull this shit on me after talking a long bullshit 50/50 child/home-work line, and for the

Except for the fact that you're supposed to show up prepared for class. In my high school PE class, if you forgot your gym clothes you could either play in your regular clothes or take a zero for the day. I'm going to go out on a limb and guess that they don't spring pool days on you unexpectedly, so I would call

I don't mean to sound cruel or unfeeling, nor am I at all interested in a debate about abortion, but let's just be honest here.

Because it shouldn't be the detergent companies' job to do that. They market to all varieties of household, with children and without. Parents who have any concern that their kid might be too young to distinguish pods from candy should buy more traditional detergent and lock it up. They should be willing to sacrifice

I agree. I think it would be weirdly clinical and even if you found yourself getting into it, he'd say something insulting or off-putting that would turn you off. And you couldn't fake it with him because he'd be watching your pupils and measuring your pulse and whatnot.

I have never found marijuana to be an effective analgesic. I've tried smoking it for headaches before, and it just makes me really, really aware of the headache, like on a molecular level. I also find the high very unpleasant, and I've always wondered whether not liking the high and not getting the painkilling effects

Every time I see a birth/parenting article on Jez I can be assured of my hackles being raised by some of the comments. They ooze the kind of privileged "white western" holistic crap that alienates quite a few of us.

You already named your kid Payton, you're already on the road to being a terrible mom.

Boys are snagged for sagging. However, I don't appreciate the fact that they only have to pull their pants up and then they are allowed to carry on, because as soon as they get around the corner they drop their pants again. Sagging is the most stupid thing in the world. Anything that purposely interferes with gait

Ugh, too big! It's a phone, not a windshield sunshade.

I don't eat Mayo. I have OCD. Mayo causes me to sieze up and puke. Your sauce likely has mayo or ranch or something else I do not eat. I cannot eat a dry burger and I love me some ketchup. Growing up in Chicagoland, where putting ketchup on a hotdog is a sin against humanity, I went against the grain and LOVED me

Yeah, I already said it in another comment, but she was being really snobby about other people's weddings, and other couples in general. The main point of a wedding is just to get married. You don't have to make it some big snowflake event if you don't want to. It's like some people don't understand that not everyone

My older sis is having a Star Wars-lite theme because she's a turbo nerd but also kinda traditional when it comes to wedding stuff.