Wait is that a romper? I see I separation in the pictures. I thought rompers were basically onesies. Are there other kinds of rompers I have not seen?
Wait is that a romper? I see I separation in the pictures. I thought rompers were basically onesies. Are there other kinds of rompers I have not seen?
An easy way to understand Wicca is that it’s a new age religion which appropriate a lot of ‘nature’ aspects from previous religions. A lot of it can be bullshit. I still don’t know WTF I was supposed to do with an athame or why I needed one but mystical knife yo. (I dabbled in Wicca before I saw the broader spectrum,…
Wicca and Paganism are not synonyms. Wicca is a type of neo-Paganism. I was a Greco-Roman worshipper and I in no way held this damn principle nor did I believe in Magic (The Gathering/TM). I could probably have a skull on my mantle and the gods couldn’t care less (because well, they’re Greco Roman gods unless it was a…
Not all polytheists/pagans are new agers who believe in Wicca or Wicca derivatives.
They’re the reason identical twins should be separated at birth, to avoid this annoying matching shit some pull.
I really hope this is made illegal. It’s very ethical. Shame on people who follow this. Adopt for fuck’s sake. No one is owed a fucking baby or to experience a pregnancy.
Harry Potter and “JKR needs a new pool”?
Read into it. It’s a self perpetuating cycle. MOTHERS and the female relatives support the continuation of this fucked up tradition.
Regardless. Irregardless is NOT A WORD.
She certainly normal in terms of averageness. However that is overweight in the US/UK/AUS/MX. So normal yes, but still fat.
This isn’t incest.
I am uncaring on who an author is as long as I like the book. It doesn’t have to be “good” but just, you know, entertain me. I am more wary of female writers since the popular picks seem to be baaaad. Gone Girl and the Room? Boring and predictable. It isn't just women of course. The Martian was a total snooze fest.…
Aspergers is autism and no longer a separate disorder. “Aspies” are just high functioning autistics on the ASD.
Eh, I'll take this over Miley Cyrus overly sexual things. I mean at least this has clothing I can judge or look at as the focus.
My aunt, who is Mexican as in born and raised, likes Dominos. Never got that. :(
The good thing is you can get married again. So problem solved?
It’s an unpopular opinion but if a fetus is not able to survive by itself without extreme medical care it’s not viable even if it’s full term. We can keep corpses alive by making them breathe and eat (the brain dead). Neither makes them alive or viable respectively.
The blind have needs too dude
I’m glad Pornhub is actually delivering on a scholarship, good of them. Though given this woman’s story, the scholarship’s name is the least interesting thing here!
Two words: World Market. I’m not kidding. They have a ton of unscented candles that are colored! They have white, gray, blue, green, and plum. I’m pretty sure they had black ones during Halloween too.