
15g of carbs to match the 22g of protein. That is not the ratio that most protein powder consumers want.

15g of carbs to match the 22g of protein. That is not the ratio that most protein powder consumers want.

Nobody is saying you shouldn’t like it. Compare Bright to fast food. Fast food is enormously popular, but a food critic would savage it in a review. Would someone blame you for liking it? Hell no, it’s delicious and satisfying. It’s just not interesting, or doing anything different.

Bright had so many wasted opportunities. Take the stupid, stale, predictable car chase scene that could have done something else, anything else, and been better. Have a outsider pegasus or magic carpet swoop in, and snatch the wand. Have a dragon come out of nowhere and mess the gangsters up.

RPO exposes a lot of geek culture that hasn’t been the subject of a gushy, slobber inducing, nostalgia fest. They don’t just play D&D, they to go into the Tomb of Horrors, and face the lich. They have to gather all the trophies in Zork. Wade works the kill screen on PacMan. It doesn’t just name check, it exults in

Expecting a neo-feminist, gender-stereotype free, cis gendered relationship is a little much for this book. Given the subject matter, you’re lucky you had any female characters in the book at all. The plot could have cruised straight through without any female presence at all.