
Unless your government is corrupt *cough* San Francisco/Chiacgo/NewYork then you know...

So I don’t have to pay my property taxes? Cool, I didn’t know that.

HAHAHAHA! The reason Donald Trump is doing so well is that your beloved government officals are all corporate puppets who are your enemy. Nice try though.


Thank you. The sad part is I bet DMCvegas thinks he’s being patriotic.

Good thing your opinion doesn’t matter. Anti-Government? Did you even read the article?

Did you skip the part where the land was valued at 13.5 million in the 1980’s.
We should just trust you that 5.2 mil is a good value? That’s completely asinine.

Relevance? Unless you are the child’s health care professional or caretaker the distinction is completely irrelevant and that’s the point.

Yeah, Google isn’t going to make money off the driverless car, that’s a good one. They know the future of their business depends on innovation and finding new sources of income. Amazon doesn’t charge you money to use their website they sell stuff, and they are one of those websites that everyone uses. I’m just

“Laziness and cowardice are the reasons why so great a portion of mankind, after nature has long since discharged them from external direction (naturaliter maiorennes [those who come of age by virtue of nature]), nevertheless remains under lifelong tutelage, and why it is so easy for others to set themselves up as

His point remains. You sound dumb saying that you have a 15 month old. No one fucking cares about the difference between a 12 month old and a 15 month old except you. If I ask you how old your baby is and you say 15 months I know that baby has fried your brain.

“American Dream”

And you keep replying. I thought you gave up already. Your comments here have proven that you are a sheep incapable of complex thought. Your lack of knowledge regarding the history of internet and journalism is both hilarious and troubling, while your allegience to Google and advertising remains inexplicable. I hope

“the internet as we know it” Yeah, you don’t understand how the internet works, so the whole we thing is lost on you.

You really expect me to argue whether or not ad revenue affects the quality of game reviews? Seriously?

Dude’s 19 and Kobe.

What the fuck is wrong with you?

You’ve been making a coherent argument? That’s hilarious. Your argument is essentially Adblocker is screwing with the “foundation” of the internet. Maybe you don’t know what foundation means, or what the internet is, or how it works. I don’t know and I don’t care. The bigger thing is that you think people should stop

It boggles my mind how simplistic your view of the world is. It would be foolish to tear down your straw men arguments because they have no basis in reality.

You are dense. Don’t worry your favortie company Google will survive. If they didn’t you better believe someone would be willing and ready to replace them. You ever heard of Amazon? They are fighting to take over your world too... And something tells me you don’t mind that, which is disturbing.