
Holy Crap. Dude. Wiki. You seriously have no idea what you are talking about. Do you know anything about Google really? Because it’s completely obvious you don’t to me, but maybe that’s because I have friends who actually work for Google. They do a lot more than push ads. They are trying to take over your world.

You officially have no idea what you are talking about.

How long before bed do you have to drink/smoke in order to qualify as a night cap? I’m assuming drinking with dinner doesn’t count, but the after dinner brandy does...

“It’s screwing with the entire foundation of the internet.”

Scoreboard homie. The Royals fucking killed the Mets.

Dude, I’m not a teacher, it’s not my job to explain to you how the internet works. Go back to school and study really hard and come back when you have half way coherent thoughts on the subject.

You are talking about the quality of journalism in game reviews??? You have got to be fucking kidding me. Go to your room and let the grownups talk.

“There was still plenty of time for Duda to take the ball and make the throw”

Part of the problem was Gordon slowed down a little bit because he probably figured there wasn’t going to be another bobble when Blanco tried to pick up the ball. Even if he went he would not have been out by a mile. He should have gone.

No. In no way shape or form was that bad baserunning.

Fucking THIS! I am still upset that Gordon didn’t try to score on that play last year. I mean if you get thrown out at home for the last out in Game 7 that would at least be an epic ending to a great series instead of getting stuck on third with your dick in your hand.


Bravo. To completion.

You have to be joking...

I don’t understand the love affair with Grantland. I din’t think the content was any good and the look of the webpage was pretty awful.

Dude, don’t bother with this guy.

who is paying you to say this? I hope you are making more than I am right now...

“It’s screwing with the entire foundation of the internet.”

Fucking Brilliant. It read like something Mr C. Montgomery Burns would write in response to going to a World Series Game. I couldn’t stop laughing.
All these pedants criticizing you needed to hear this.