
No it wouldn’t. FOX, NBC, GOOGLE, Yahoo!, etc. don’t have exclusive rights to news and information. Have you not been paying attention. Do you think the so called “Arab Spring” was enabled by news companies or people in the streets? If anything we would all gain from the demise of these large centralized companies.

So much success! Yet... We get this... Me thinks greed has gotten the best of Mr. PDP...

Hahahaha. I laugh everytime I hear someone say that you are “stealing” if you use Adblocker. It’s so funny. But then I remember that you are actually a human who thinks that and it makes me sad, because this simple minded bullshit is why someone like Donald Trump, Jeb Bush, or Hilary Clinton will be our next

Or you could just try and be funnier. Puns? C’mon bro...

If you’re dumb enough to eat a plate full of shit you need help.

I love you internet lawyers. Almost as good as the real thing, only dumber.

Hahaha. I’ll need you to explain that one to me in more detail friend.

I’m just pointing out that Advertising doesn’t drive content. It’s the other way around. Content (journalism/entertainment) will not disappear if everyone started using Adblocking software.

He can’t comprehend that.

You know you’re right. I just remembered that Newspapers were a clever invention of an ad agency to get their ads into more peoples houses. Pretty much the only reason people write or create art is to get ad revenue...

No. Sorry but you don’t understand how this works.

There’s this new company called Apple. I think they might be big one day...

Dude. Seriously. Thanks.

Wow. You have a very simplistic view of the world don’t you.

Youtubers need to make their money... what a time to be alive...

Homey, do you live in reality? If you think YT isn’t replaceable you haven’t been paying attention.

Dude. Woah. Be careful there, you might inspire someone to think outside the box.

Something tells me journalism and entertainment will survive AdblockerPlus. So no it doesn’t bother me.

You also didn’t get paid. That makes me happy.

Kinja Deals gets commisions if you buy the product after clicking their link! Pretty clever.