
Fucking Hollywood people. Jesus.

She said “fucking retar-”, I believe.

I think the physical training methods he’s using have a lot of merit. The flexibility/pliability work. It’s the sciency/diet/wellness stuff that’s patent nonsense. He packages up one with the other to distinguish himself from “regular” trainers.

To put it more compactly: if you change Obamacare’s name to Trumpcare but leave the rest of the program exactly the same, Trump’s poorly informed, cult of personality supporters will immediately reverse course and declare it the best thing ever.

I think I speak for all of us when I say thank fucking god.

I love that they’re pinning it on the neighbor being a liberal and disagreeing with Rand Paul’s views, when it could just as easily have been that Rand Paul is one of those assholes who blows leaves onto your lawn.

“I fought to protect the freedoms you enjoy in this country, so you better stop fucking enjoying them!”

Since he is going on Sean Hannity’s show it sounds like he would rather cry with the sinners than laugh with the Saints 

It’s all a joke at this point.

I ate a Pizza Pocket yesterday and now I don’t know where I stand politically.

Sales for Papa John’s were down pre kneeling, so this might be a desperate attempt to ignite sales by pandering to Trump supporters/racists.

Or a Tool Video.

So can we assume that nobody is telling Drumph about Area 51 now?

Maybe the NCAA should dictate that coaches too cannot be paid in filthy lucre, and that any stipends they receive from a school not exceed the median costs of room and board in that community.

Donald Trump and Anthony Davis have very little to do with this IMO.

Probably the feet too; they’re important here.

If I had to guess, too chunky to be coke. I’d bet it’s crushed percs. Plenty of access to them in a locker room.

Annnnnd we’re done here.

I am going to be that guy- This has nothing to do with the First Amendment. She is free to say Trump is a racist. And ESPN, a private company, is free to fire her/punish her/do nothing to her if it feels like it.