
Is there a reason everyone kicks their feet up and calls a job done when representation entails a black character? Where’s this energy for Asian’s and Indians, they are practically non existent as characters in gaming wholesale.

It’s not straightforward at all. You can increase on screen diversity without bending reality.

How do you figure?

I just realized. Why the HELL are the new GOW games Norse? Wouldn’t it make more sense to go with Roman since they’re similar 

Imagine if you walked around with a pistol on your hip every day and if you weren’t paying attention for a second and bumped into someone on the sidewalk, it jumped out of your pocket and shot the other person and you in the head.”

I wonder how much of this is due to the ever-increasing amount of lifted trucks and SUV’s on the road... modern trucks and SUV’s are bigger and heavier than ever, and thanks to turbo technology they’re not slow either, which makes for a fairly deadly combo when in the hands of a careless idiot. Two cars crashing into

The comments to this post are a fine example of “Tell me you’re upper-middle class from the coasts without saying it” versus “tell me you’re from middle America without saying it.” If you grew up in middle America, these were ubiquitous, unassuming, respectable, and reliable like the sun. If you grew up on the coasts,

It helps that the Challenger is probably the best representation of old-meets-new with it’s retro design. It looks like a 70's Challenger. The other two resemble the classic models, but not to that extent.

And honestly, Toyota should lose more than sleep. The Supra has to be their biggest let down since the 3rd gen MR2. And the cancelling of the Land Cruiser. And the demise of the Celica. All that crap about how they had to partner with BMW in order to make the Supra viable is now even more ridiculous. If Nissan can

While its weight and old underpinnings might be a concern...

Oh Supra... we wanted to love you. But so many problems... The base model has no guts and is the reason that 86 is underpowered; Japanese styling and German reliability (that’s not the exact opposite of what everyone wants...); you can’t row your own gears; you can’t open the windows...; and the model you would buy is

The Nissan can be had with a manual.

“The new Executive Order emphasizes that the path forward relies on personal responsibility rather than government mandates,”

Nothing like encouraging everyone to do the right thing by giving them a pass to do the opposite. These cowards need to be grilled on what they mean by “personal responsibility” at every turn.

How does one say schadenfreude in Texan?

Trick question, you can’t, because Texans don’t have the level of subtlety or self-reflection.

Only the internet kind from people who will buy neither. 

the Twitterverse has already chimed in...

Ubisoft’s claim in the Bloomberg story that fans have been “asking for a more cohesive approach” seems flatly wrong. If anything, it’s Ubisoft that keeps trying to shoehorn in a unified approach to the games through modern segments that players overwhelmingly hate. Players get engaged in he storyline of a compelling

Most likely, and I feel the real reason Splinter Cell has been absent for so long is because Ubisoft hasn’t found a way to consistently monetize it or turn it into a GAAS.

Cool, so the annoying thing this gen will be every game director and their mother sticking Infinity on the end of their franchise name.

No two words have buttfucked the triple-a gaming industry more than “Live Service”

Even EA has backpedaled from it after, shock of all shocks, a single player game with no microtransactions (Star Wars Fallen Order) made them fuck tons of money.

At least they realized their error in time to hopefully salvage Dragon Age 4