
Sony naturally had good exclusives. Microsoft bought them, people have been anticipating Starfield, Elder Scrolls 6 etc. for years, now they won’t get them, it makes perfect sense for this to be written as a disappointment, PETE HINES HIMSELF understands that, why don’t you?

Is “FROM Software” a SONY grown studio or did they pay to make Bloodborne exclusive? Both platforms are guilty of this don’t pretend that Microsoft acquiring Bethesda is any different just because there were more IPs in the bunch.

Microsoft is worth literal magnitudes more money than Sony.  If they want to squeeze Sony for creating such a walled garden last generation, they can afford to bleed it for a long time if it hurts Sony (and it will)

and now microsoft is funding bethesda games....

The facts are simple. An independent studio was acquired by a console owner and now is exclusively publishing with them.

All the justifications beyond that are meaningless.

Sony only owned the rights to Spiderman for films. Also, Spencer has said that he has no issue releasing games on other consoles and it would be determined on a case by case basis.

And Sony has done exactly that in the past, but the only time anyone said anything negative was when it dealt with Spiderman.

Sony has purchased studios that made games for Microsoft previously and decided they were now exclusives. From the sounds of it, those games that were multiplatform previously would remain on both consoles as well.

When was Starfield announced it would be on PS4 and PS5? I couldn't find anything and I'm curious now

What makes you think MS is struggling? Back in April they announced they have 23 million Game Pass subscribers... at even the base price of $10 a month that’s $230 million a month, and if the numbers just stay flat (they increased by 5 million from January 2021 to April 2021) and don’t increase at all that’s over 2.5

Yeah, there is almost no at that elder scrolls 6 is console multiplatform. Microsoft spent 7.5 billion the ability to brag about having these games as xbox games - no way they’re letting ES6 onto sony platforms. Now, if their gamble ends up backfiring and starfield somehow ends up bombing on xbox series? Maybe. But

Naughty Dog (Last of Us part II) and Santa Monic Games (God of War), and Guerrilla Games (Horizon) were not originally owned by Sony. When the companies were each acquired they rolled them up into the parent org, Sony Interactive Entertainment. With the exception of Santa Monica games, the other companies also used to

Insomniac Games is NOT a Sony homegrown studio (first games were produced for DOS and the Panasonic 3DO, and Sunset Overdrive was an Xbox exclusive first). Neither is Naughty Dog (used to produce Apple II games). Nor Santa Monica games (founded by a former Sony employee). Sorry, but this is exactly the same thing. The

Sony HAS done this FREQUENTLY over the years. Get over it

Also Sony has never been criticized once for paying to keep Deathloop and Ghostwire off Xbox and attempting to pay for Starfield before Bethesda got bought. 

Your point about Insomniac stands, but Spider-Man is a bad example. Sony has had rights to Spider-Man in general for a long time. It’s why he’s not really part of the MCU. Nobody other than a Sony studio can make a Spider-Man game.

You seriously believe that ES6 is going to be on Playstation? That is not what Microsoft spent all that money to do. I hate the situation. I appreciate Pete’s apology. I also don’t blame Microsoft for doing it, they got slaughtered on first party exclusives last gen. It was a smart business move for them. I don’t see

Right? I wouldn’t have bothered buying a PS4 Pro if I could’ve played all those games, plus Spider-Man, on Xbox instead. Spider-Man is particularly egregious considering it came from a studio Sony bought, it’s literally the exact same situation here, but Insomniac didn’t come out with a stupid ass apology, instead

Okay, now write this same article about Sony releasing Horizon, God of War, Last of Us, and the many other exclusives.

I am beyond disappointed and irritated with Square Enix for forcing licensed Marvel games on Crystal Dynamics and the Deus Ex devs. Such a wast of talent. I’d have loved to see the Deus ex devs given a chance at a new IP, and damnit, if CD wasn’t working on a new Tomb Raider, for the love of God let them work on a new

I loved Deus Ex: Human Revolution. The sequel was disappointing despite some fun ideas and abilities. And their Tomb Raider sequel had the best tombs of the new trilogy, even if the story was prone to heavyosity.