
I love how so many people hate on CVTs. From an engineering perspective, CVTs allow your car to run the engine in the right powerband more efficiently, whereas manuals remind you CONSTANTLY that you’re driving inefficiently right now and you have to change gears. Oh, it’s 2 seconds later, and you’re driving

China is also likely lying about their death numbers. There are reports that a single funeral home in Wuhan had more remains to be collected then the official death toll, and there are four funeral homes.

Tht squealing Orange Pig and his ratfucker minions are in for a rude awakening. They’ve lost the support of a lot of older voters, especially with talk of sacrificing older people to revive the economy- and when old biddies are more scared of your cavalier death squads than they are of all the villains you try to

Well to start by ramping up production of needed medical gear, shelf stable food supplies and putting in place pre-approved emergency plans that could be activated when needed including cash to the people. Shutting our borders completely to all travel sooner. A national quarantine implemented sooner and isolation of

He sounded like a venal imbecilic doddering liar in the few moments that I  watched him and I do believe he will get reelected even so. 

Did you hear what Dan Patrick, the Lt. Governor of Texas said?

I am just beyond over these GOP motherfuckers devoid of decency, character, or any ethical compass outside of “get mine”.

I work for a supplier for these things, honestly, the PS5 has the edge on the storage, no doubt, but in raw horsepower, which is what gets used first in new consoles, the Xbox wins hands down.  They put so much empahsis on the cooling, and the CPU/GPU will run at full speed on the time means devs can count on the

What are you talking about? Raw performance is actually very useful here, as they are using the same architecture from the same design firm. AMD is making BOTH of the console’s CPU AND GPU. The XSX is flat out the faster of the two, but a small, but noticeable margin. There won’t be anything like the Cell fiasco on

So at what point are we going to admit to ourselves that this ain’t making holiday launch?

maybe Ubisoft is finally testing the waters for his triumphant return.”

E3 should be a show floor. I still remember reading EGM, GamePro, Game Fan, etc, etc when I was a young and I absolutely loved reading the E3 coverage. It’s an experience that I just can’t see being replicated by YouTube and Twitch and I think it’s sad that every year the industry is trying to replace an actual

I can’t help but be cynical about his bowing out of E3 coverage. I know the timeframes don’t line up but it does feel like this is a move to maybe go full bore in making the VGAs THE premiere announcement/trailer drop destination in the next few years.

I know Keighley stands to make a lot of money if the perception

Now playing

I still remember you, PoP 2008. You were fucking amazing.

Ehh, if you’re talking German yes. Lexus holds better (obviously long term reliability is a big part). We were considering the Lexus GS F-Sport, but it was boring compared to the A6 3.0T (even the 2.0T was more fun than the GS).

Uh oh, that dealer will have some ‘splaning to do!

I was not talking about terrible maintenace case just regular case. This is still a costly car to repair for regular maintenance vs a regular mainstream japanese car for example that you could buy brand new. I am also a big Audi / VW fan but people don’t realize these cars cost much to maintain than mainstream car,

Found the car you’re talking about, going to buy it on my lunch break. Shouldn’t have bragged about it online.

Anytime someone mentions buying an Audi on this site, someone else has to jump in with a comment about terrible maintenance. I bought a 2012 A5 in 2016 with about 34k miles. I’m up to 82k now, and the only thing outside of normal maintenance I’ve had to do was replace a wheel bearing. My uncle has had an A8, S6, and 3