
Things happen so fast now, this guy was just elected this past year but already Brazil is experiencing an environmental armageddon. That is how fast the deforestation happened.

Pro Tip: When complaining about how the Jews don't love you, don't call yourself the Second Coming of Christ. 

I wouldn’t be so sure. I don’t think this will blow over as easily. 

Holy fucking shit, we need to get this man out of office NOW. I don’t care if it’s by KFC-induced pulmonary embolism, or by the second coming of Gavrilo Princip. Lord knows he’s not going to respect a loss in 2020 if Warren or Sanders is victorious, and no matter what happens next year, this incomparable shitstain on

Why do people keep calling him “Sir?” That’s the thing that confuses me the most.

Distraction Donny works his magic. No recession talk, no guns are bad and I’m a big fat liar talk, etc etc some more.

Just what we needed a psychotic narcissist and pathological liar to hear: ‘the second coming of God’.

I got blocked by Yair Rosenberg for correctly pointing out major Jewish establishment organizations were far less heated towards Trump’s anti-Semitism than towards even the barest most exaggerated claims of anti-Semitism directed at Muslims. Yair, for those of you who don’t know, is supposedly progressive. AIPAC, AJC,

God, I wish this was a parody, but it is so fucking spot on. Brain hurts. Must log off interwebs.

It’s not snickering at his tomfoolery, it’s highlighting his blasphemy and sacrilegious behavior. People can overlook a single incident but it’s coming more frequently and they are having a harder time rationalizing it away. At this point it seem some are sticking around only because they don’t want to feel ashamed

haha Evengelicals and blasphemy hahah

Evangelicals do, so, dearly want Revelations to happen. It’s like the extremists in Israel who are genetically modifying cows to get a “perfect red heifer” and proclaiming the end times because some snakes and foxes appeared near their Holy Wall.

I can’t believe, after having gone to a parochial school, that I didn’t know that Evangelicals believe that part of the Rapture is the forced conversion of Jews to Christianity in Israel after the return of Jesus. That’s why they still want Israelis, as opposed to just the land itself, to exist as they bring about

If he is the anti Christ they still want him to bring about the end of the world so that would be fine with them.

This does have the potential to turn off religious voters. They can overlook and rationalize away all his racism and hatemongering. But now he’s drawing direct parallels between himself and Jesus. It’s going to give some of these people pause. Combined with the worsening agricultural economy and Mueller report it’s a

Trump desensitization gets a new spin: How much blasphemy will evangelicals tolerate?

He just called himself Jesus... He just fucking called himself Jesus! That’s a huge fucking no no! But I’m sure it won’t affect his 70% share of the Evangelical vote, gawdamn hypocrites.

Hear me out.

I want to get the president high.

As a practicing Jew, this guy is a major anti-Semite. People often note that his daughter is a Jew (converted) and his grandkids, so how can he hate Jews? I tell them he can do both. He just deals with it with Ivanka.  As for his statements on Israel, he is not fucking King David reincarnated. Yes, I’m Jewish, but I

“I want to buy Greenland.”