
But some Catholics react to that by trying to out Evangelical the Evangelicals. My in-laws, for example.

I mean they’ve always had that shit in common with each otehr which is why I never understood why protestant denominations rejected Catholics.

Yeah I was brought up Catholic with LOTS of exposure to others and I never quite grasped it either. Their criticisms were that they thought we worshiped Mary the same way you were supposed to worship God and that our rituals and shit were somehow idolatry, but they had their own. I assume it was some sort of holdover

After spending 16 years of my life in Catholic school from kindergarten until I graduated undergrad, I would have loved it if the Old Testament was just the novelization of the first and fourth Highlander movies and the Highlander television show. It would have made religion class much more palatable. 

But The Pope is God’s mouthpiece on Earth! Sounds like Bannon is asking to be ex-communicated! Please, please do so, Pope Francis. 

I feel like people forget that it was only 58 years ago that people were openly wondering if they could vote for a Catholic for President.

If Bannon was still there, he sure as shit would. As a True Catholic, Bannon led his Breitbart army against Pope Francis for daring to say minimally decent things.

The Catholic thing is weird because Evangelicals and many other types of protestant denominations fucking HATE Catholicism and Catholics and don’t consider them Christian. 

This won’t get nearly as much play as various bad-faith claims about Omar, Tlaib, and other supposedly “anti-Israel” figures do. AIPAC will wring their hands and do nothing. The AJC will fully support Trump and toss in more Islamophobia. I expect Jake Tapper to find a way to blame this on Palestinians, and much of the

I’m about to spend 400k on a house in the next few months, and you think I’m praying for a recession? Okay, sure. And there’s never going to be a better ‘vote against your self interest’ self-own than the myriad of poor red state plebes voting for a lying New Yorker reality show conman. Stop making shitty assumptions,

The Black Codes, the Posse Comitatus Act, the Poll Tax, literacy tests to register to vote, etc. etc. ...

wait ... you mean if we actually fall into a recession but the White House tells us its not a recession then we’re actually NOT in a recession? Is that how this is supposed to work under Cheetohlini?

The Republican plan is always - juice the economy by pouring on massive debt and then torch it just before they lose the White House. That leaves the Dems in a massive amount of fire fighting and cleanup that would be better spent putting Republican leaders to the wall. When the economy starts a recovery the Repubs

LOL! Like, seriously, where to they come up with this stuff? I want to listen in on those conversations that happen before the show.

Honestly I just want it to crash under is watch and for it to really screw over the farmers and anyone else that voted for him.

Fox News is the #1 rated news in the US. How the can continue to push this ‘media’ narrative is ridiculous. They ARE the media!

What is really mind boggling is that the GOP still believes trickle down economics and that a man who declared four bankruptcies when it was harder to go bankrupt and couldn’t get a loan from American banks is the correct person to lead our country and thus the economy.  But go ahead and keep defending the lying pussy

It’s pretty amazing how quick the right is to want to brush aside slavery as just something unfortunate in the past and that it’s time to move on because bringing it up repeatedly just hold us back as a society.

There is no other take but this.

Confederate statues - “We need them! We need them as...uh...a constant reminder that slavery is bad! So we can learn from history or something!”