
Same way he finds out about everything: it must have been mentioned on Fox.

If the president believes Greenland is an attractive investment, it’s screwed, given how the vast majority of his “shrewd investments” have panned out. If he can bankrupt a casino, twice, Greenland doesn’t stand a chance.

Greenland is not “full of white people”. The vast majority, a bit below 90% last time I checked, are Inuit or mixed. The Norse settlements in Greenland died out in the 1400s. 

*Knuckles in eye sockets.* Just.... for pity’s sake. Please just stop. This isn’t even “entertaining” stupid Trump shit. I mean this story may generate some lolz, but it’s no better than Jezebel’s insistence on turning rumor into reality.

“It’s Uuuuge!”

“We gotta buy Greenland. It’s so green! Bjork is from there! What a piece of ass she was, huh?”

His master plan is deregulation and acceleration of global warming so that the ice on Greenland melts and therefore gives access to a bunch of natural resources to abuse further.

Gotta love having a president that just goes around floating random ideas like buying fucking Greenland that would have everyone in your dorm room telling you to put the bong down, but yet like half a dozen candidates in the Democratic primary have based their campaign’s entire existence on the argument that you

He’s going to be pissed if we get ahold of it and he finds out it’s not as big as it looks in a Mercator projection. The advisors will just have to hide the globes.

How did Trump find out there is a Greenland?

False Viking Real Estate Ads. Blame it on Eric the Red (unrelated to Eric Trump the Feckless.)

* In Jerry Seinfeld voice And what’s the deal with these island names? Greenland is covered with ice and Iceland had a lot of green on it.”


Your comparison is a bit all over the place... The GTI[Autobahn] is over 35K equipped with the same features as the Sport Touring. Ignoring the difference in displacement and efficiency with both... The running costs are exorbitantly more expensive than a Honda. Hell my friend is now getting his 2019 GTI bought back

It is a moral imperative of all Americans to do what they can to get their money out of Israel, and to encourage governments to do the same. With friends in the region like Israel working against American interests and instigating conflicts in the region, who needs enemies?

If this was the 90s and early 00s the same could be said about any manufacturer.

I watched Jalopnik’s, Demuro’s, and Alex on Auto’s takes on YT and was kind of hooked. I’m usually a Nissan guy - my previous daily was a ‘12 M35h (wrecked), my current daily is a ‘95 Maxima, and I’ve had a slew of Altimas and a ‘03 M45 - and the Q70L 5.6 is/was on my radar but, if I’m honest, the tech and look is

3rd: Musk strikes me as one of those sorts that’s really cool outside the office, super chill, fun, great to chat with; but an absolute nightmare in the office-demanding, inflexible, belief in his own infallibility. I worked for a boss like that, and after a year I was eyeballing the exits. I believed in what we were

I know it’s an innocent typo but “ither thibhs” has a certain magical quality that suggests arcane backroom engineering far far beyond the ken of mortal men.

Meanwhile Porsche will ask you for $45,000 to take your radio out of the car. Lightweight is good and all, but if I’m actually using the car for anything but track driving, some creature comforts are nice to have.