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Shakespeare English sounds more like American Hillbilly. The modern British accent emerged during the reign of George III.

Shapiro’s understanding of the job market is that every McDonald’s should have 20 tiers of management positions and a single person actually doing the grunge work.

Ben Shapiro is low-key one of the most dangerous voices in American politics right now, serving as a de facto gateway to white nationalist radicalization.

I have an uncle kind of like this. Lives by himself in Maine. Spouts all this Libertarian/Conservative nonsense. The only reason he is in a position to do any of this is that close friend of his died in an accident several years ago and named my uncle as beneficiary on his seven-figure life insurance policy.

This BS isn’t even outside of mainstream conservative thought. Since Reagan, Republican ‘poverty’ policy mostly involving wanting to starve the poor so they’ll give up being poor. That’s not even an exaggeration.

I was in a store today and Ben Shapiro was outside looking in the window.

Splinter is very anti-Pelosi and anti-anyone-who-isn’t-Bernie, so as soon as she said it, that take was being sent out. Krueger has some scorching hot takes and I believe the great wave of greying had to do with commenters criticizing her and other writers.

It’s some weird gaslighting.

Seriously, this is the worst of all the bad-take bullet listed items here.

Because Pelosi said it, duh! If Pelosi did it, it must be the epitome of EVIL NEOLIBRUL CENTRISM!

Mitch the Minion

Underrated. Actual LOL success.

Why not both? He’s a jet setter of treason and corruption.

I agree. Mitch McConnell hates the name so much, he had to go on TV and whine about it. With one statement behind a podium, Nancy Pelosi elevated it to the national consciousness. It will forever stick.

I used to try to form succinct points, with plenty of research and evidence to support my claims. My job, as I saw it, was to be truthful and correct whenever possible... and that required accuracy and in-depth explanation.


For fucking really.

Right? I’ve never heard of such a silly idea before this article. I’m seeing the name Moscow Mitch fitting very comfortably in people’s mouths and keyboards.

Hot take: Mitch McConnell is pretty much a minion of Satan if there ever was one, and I’m totally fine fraying his nerves.

“It embodies everything I hate about the great RUSSIA freakout”