
But then what is so bad about it? I get the missing V6 option is bad. I love V6s in luxury sedans. But the rest of the car is great. Lincoln has done 3 new models and they have a brand identity but Cadillac doesn’t? Most people don’t even know Lincoln exists! I had to explain in vivid detail to my friend what I meant

France is not going to let an extension happen. It took a while to get back at England for Agincourt but here it comes. 

Great summation. I generally expect referendums to be honoured but there is no doubt people were mislead and lied to. And it’s non-binding anyway so Boris’s rush for the no-deal option speaks volumes about how corrupt he and his fellow Brexiteers are. 


Lol :)

Well, Trump is half German. 


I object. Smithers routinely had misgivings about doing the wrong thing and often checked Mr. Burn’s power and impulses. He also genuinely loved Mr. Burns and meant well. NONE of that applies to Jesus Pence Christi. 

Good point and I didn’t really mean it like that but it’s just that he is so evil, so frustrating and CLEARLY mentally challenged that sometimes it all boils over. 

Exactly. But no, gotta keep avoiding all talk and then even assuming that calling HIM retarded must mean it’s insulting everyone. For fuck’s sakes. 

But what if it’s meant JUST for Trump? I NEVER use the word for anyone. But Trump makes me SO angry that I have used it to describe him. 

I hear ya. I’m so beyond and utterly tired of his endless negativity and small-dick-fuelled insults. I don’t even have long winded conversations discussing him or his policies anymore...I just blatantly say that he is mentally fucked and shrug and walk away. There really isn’t any other way around it. Michael

Bingo. It’s not that he has the energy “for it”. He IS it. This is all he is and he ever was. 

Yup that’s standard fare stuff amongst a lot of Indian Christians, especially those who try super hard to be seen as white.

Every single game in the Ubisoft world is becoming an open-world RPG. They will soon have one video game that they will then release under different names. 

Hah yup. People bring up her Indian background. As an Indian Methodist liberal Christian I remind people that doesn’t matter. I know plenty of Indian conservative Christians who roll with the evangelical Baptist crowd and are pro-Trump and pro-GOP type policies inspite of being brown.

Someone once on twitter wrote that why are Trump/GOP/McConnell SO damn sure that Russia will help them win? Russia doesn’t give a flying fuck any of them. If Trump wins again, then it will be just like it is right now. But they can help the Dems win which will blow Trump’s mind AND plant fake emails etc that show some

Sure but then LATER the path was updated and all he had to say was “ah okay the earlier data has now been updated”. If you don’t see a problem with him drawing an extra and incorrect cone with a sharpie then you have a problem. Imagine him if a war broke out and he couldn’t handle learning from mistakes/updating his

That’s right. Every problem isn’t fixed by admitting to the mistake and then improving. They will only make things worse by never admitting to a mistake. They think it makes them strong but it actually makes them weak. That’s why the red states are such shitholes. 

It’s more than that...he is mentally ill.