
They do work it in but when you a full time job etc you get 4-5hrs a week to game. Grinding against a bad guy “just because” is frustrating and you have neither the time nor patience for it. That’s why I love games like Far Cry or other open world progression/no specific boss battle type of games. You can drop it and

OR they have since grown up and have full time jobs which allow them a total of 4hrs a week to play and maybe they don’t want to fight some silly boss that adds nothing to the storyline but eats up the few hours that these mature adults get in a week to game?

Which ones?

I’m assuming you are purposely ignoring the “how” of your Chicago comment that’s posted about 30 times in this thread but the guns come across the IL border. You see, IL is cursed with having to be next door to several garbage red states where the trash own guns and that can be easily sent into IL. 

I absolutely agree with you. One of the reasons I mostly play Assassin’s Creed games is that they don’t have boss fights. It’s also one of the reasons I don’t touch Japanese games. I fucking hate boss fights. Hate them. The industry has matured. We don’t need a narrative end with some nonsensical fight against a super

Haha yeah. Fox Business is like going to the Dollar Store to buy a computer. 

I don’t even think he cares what happens with the EU. He wants to complete hard Brexit for his American overlords and then hand over the country to Corporate America. I suppose that’s the sovereignty Leavers had in mind?

And throughout the way, Middle England, the very people who will hurt the most by hard Brexit, support hard Brexit and are rejoicing alongside Boris today. Go figure. 

Exactly. I think most people think she is at the same level as the PM. Nopes. 

She can’t really say no. She exists to rubber stamp whatever the PM says. If she says no then she is trying to circumvent 100-200 years of English law and tradition and that would be even worse. I *think* she’s generally thought to be pro-EU...she has hinted at it here and there. But there was no way she was going to

Fucking MSNBC. They aren’t Fox but sometimes they aren’t that far off. 

I don’t think anyone has cast China as innocent OR that changes aren’t needed. The critique is about how Trump is going about it. He’s a man who has failed most of his business ventures, bankrupted casinos, doesn’t understand how tariffs work and was blocked by US banks for loans. It’s like saying “hey we need to do

A lot of people are saying Trump’s brain is full of big water and that makes a Low Energy “Loser”. Sad!


Agreed. Heck the C7 was better looking too...the C7 ZR1 is probably the highpoint of Corvette design in modern times. The C8 has weird angles. 

Have you ever seen one in real life? It looks like a proper exotic. 

And they say women are weak! I don’t have half your cajones. 

Absolutely. I have no idea why there is so much hue and cry about the NSX having taken too long. The Germans roll out new hardware all the time for a good reason (hint: you will pay for it). 

It does look good in person tho I think. But yeah it’s a bit much and I’m a Honda guy. 

I doubt the regular C8 will match the NSX’s performance. maybe a higher C8 trim will but that will come closer to the price of the discounted NSX and the Honda will hold up better. The C8 also some weird angles...I’m a Corvette fan and I think the C7 and C6 had more cohesive design overall esp the C7 ZR1. The C8 looks