
How does it compare to the Si Coupe? I adore the N but that 3 door nonsense isn’t for me. So it’s either the Si Coupe or the Elantra N-Line. 

Great post. I’ve never owned or driven a RX-8 but I hear ya. I had a lowly 2006 3 hatch and I’ve not driven a car that telepathically hard-wired for handling ever since. There IS a Mazda magic. Pity they don’t make more ‘speed and RX/dedicated sports car (apart from the Miata) anymore. 

It does look good in pictures. Beyond that yeah I’d take the MX-5 because it’s Japanese. 

Holy hell. For some reason I didn’t even know there was a Abarth 124. How is it? 

You have an Elise AND a 124? Ahhh I want your garage! I actually didn’t know the 124 has a FIAT engine. I always just assumed the 124 is just a rebadged MX-5 in every way. 

I don’t think I’ve ever seen Mesopotamia or Egypt included under the “Western civilization” tag. That usually begins with Greco-Roman cultures (neatly avoiding the barbaric pre(Celtic) and post-(Goths/Visigoth) period and goes straight to Crusade Middle Ages from the fall of Rome (and absolutely omits the Eastern


You got us. I’m Canadian and we have been eyeing...*checks notes*...Marysville for decades. 

The good news is that it’s Michigan, the pointless land between Chicago and Ontario. 

There is that but are we sure their cognitive capabilities were as good as that of sapiens? 

You’d be amazed how many Hindus and Indian Christians are pro-Trump (I’m Indian Christian but liberal and vehemently anti-Trump)

I don’t know if you know David French but he pretends to an intellectual evangelical who writes for National Review and pretends to be vaguely anti-Trump. He tweets constantly but didn’t even mention the King of the Jews tweet by Trump yet he will constantly critique even vaguely anti-religious verbiage by any

Bingo. They know they have bet the farm on him and now there’s no going back. Every single time they should have said “this is going too far” they chose not to and now they are too far out there to come back in. They are going to go down with him. Period. 

You guys need to ethnically cleanse the south/middle America or they will destroy the whole goddamn country. 

As long as the Western world keeps electing evangelical or evangelical funded monsters who want the end of the world (and make money getting there), this is what we will get. It’s a death-cult. If they were brown, we’d be bombing their churches with A-10s. We will eventually get to that point. 

Fantastic post. Agreed 100%. The Israelis have allowed their hatred for Muslims to absolutely blind them to the threat of the Christian/white far-right. Israel has become the de facto capital of the far-right neo-Nazis types. I suspect Israel is hacking/financing support for them in their home countries. The far-right

Happy Birthday! 

Right so that’s basically my point. One building’s location is worth more know...invoking the second coming and making Israel the focal point of every far-right and Nazi-adjunct personality in the world right now. 

Very simple. Blind support of Israel by people who also hate Muslims. It’s hugely beneficial to israel although I think this tweet is going to start forcing a lot of Israelis to wake up. They have been ignoring the far-right threat for a long time to get their support. 

The pure irony of crowning himself the King of the Jews and the second coming. I’m sure the Likud party will be fine with this.