
Wow you’re saying this fucking pussy who just talks tough folded? No way! It’s almost like his tough talk is to compensate for his small dick and cowardice or something. 


Nah the hand is def higher than it should be. I have some very close female friends and if I take a pic with them, my hand a is a lot lower. The hand there is basically getting into cop a boob feel territory. 

And nobody in a Christian country of 335 million should give a flying fuck about a country of 6 million Jews on the other side of the fucking planet. 

Haha exactly. Iran WILL say stuff like that. It’s called posturing for fuck’s sakes. 

It’s nonsense. They will obviously say that. Doesn’t make it true. 

But they aren’t doing themselves any favours, either. They have taken the US support as a blank cheque to be as cruel as needed and THAT will be what comes to haunt them eventually, not Islamic hatred. 

And why the hell do the Jews go along with those Christians anyway? If me and you know this, don’t they? What the fuck is wrong with them?

It maybe fictional for now but America won’t exist forever or be as powerful. Absolutely nobody else gives a fuck about Israel. 

Lets be honest. He doesn’t know who Bjork is. he hasn’t updated his pop scene info since the late 60s

He betrayed his own country’s congresswomen to another country and thought about buying Greenland. That was Thursday. It’s now Friday. Let’s see what happens. 

Your post is perfect. It should be a bumper sticker and sold in every store. What a disaster everything is right now. A mad king while everyone else fiddles and argues about bussing and healthcare. 

I wish more people would go check out the ILX. Everybody gets lost on the “it’s the last gen Civic with lipstick”. Sure but go drive the two back to back. They are absolutely nothing alike. The ILX is one of the best deals on the market and criminally overlooked. 

In canada a loading Touring hatch is MUCH cheaper than a GTI or Vel N. No idea why US pricing is the same??

I’m sorry but no. In that gunmetal colour in Touring trim it looks quite good. 

I have no idea who started this “only democracy” bullshit. I’d rather live in Turkey or Egypt than “Jews are the best citizens” Israel. 

The greatest country in history my ass. It’s a superpower of 330 million people run by a country of 6 million on the other side of the world. What a joke.

Which he should have. I’m so utterly tired of a country of 6 million bossing around a country of 335 million. 

No problem. Then the US should respond in kind and lockout some Israeli government members too. 

In fact, an Israeli reporter on twitter posted a list of a large number of Neo-nazis and Christian fundamentalists who have been going to Israel lately. It’s become so farcical. And don’t forget these evangelicals don’t even actually support Israel. They want Israel to exist until jesus comes back and converts them.