
If Bernie says it tomorrow, then Katherine will write a new article about how correct the nickname is. She is basically the left’s version of a Fox & Friend dipshit. 

Exactly. That was the mistake Mueller made too. He was going around looking for a signed cheque from Putin. I mean, come on. The whole thing was always about an understanding/alignment of interests. The Republicans have convinced themselves the Russians will always help them keep America white (they are wrong) and are

Yeah that sentence didn’t make any sense. 

And heck, that’s the only way they will actually see how much Putin is fucking them over constantly yet they can’t get over their insecurity bullshit about the West. 

LOL she’s fucking nuts. 

Why doesn’t he just skip some steps and cut to the chase: a fundamentalist Jew who chases women away from the Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. 

It’s a grand tourer 

Just yesterday I showed an image of a McLaren in a dark green and tan combo to my friend and said “the LC would look killer in this combo” and here we are today! The green + tan combo is heavenly. I wish more cars would offer it. Even the new Accord would look good in that combo.

Why is that? They make good cars. My ‘16 GS 350 Fsport is a gorgeous car.

Right??? Just yesterday I showed an image of a McLaren in a dark green and tan combo and said “the LC would look killer in this combo” and here we are today! This combo is the best combo possible for sure. 

Yeah...2005-2010 Mazda kicked ass. I had the 1st gen 3 hatch GT. Yummm.

I have fallen utterly in love with the Veloster N. Then yesterday I was was driving it in Forza Horizon 4 and that’s when it hit me it has such a configuration. It’s now off my list. Sorry but this is just stupid. The B pillar is not lined up inside the car. They don’t need to do this shit. 

Some more Russian style “death by tea” or fell off his own balcony stuff. 

Or say wink nudge loudly and do the same at the end of every sentence. 

And it JUST happened. Not even a year ago or 2 years ago. it happened last fucking weekend. 

It shouldn’t. Most of his time is either “own the libs” trolls or flyover state church types. Both have made their entire lives about being heartless self-righteous fucks.

I’m glad to read your post because I’ve been feeling the exact the same way. Good to see someone else in turmoil about this. What the fuck is going on? How can Christians support this motherfucker?

yet they all want us to feel jesus’s love and forgiveness. 

Yes. Abortions. That is all. See: conservative hispanic catholics who have settled. 

Exactly. Apparently Trump is playing 5D chess when he keeps changing his mind every 2mins.