

It doesn’t have to be this way. But I think at this point the rural/south/Middle parts of the country have essentially decided that the urban white and minority parts of the country are their sworn enemy and they would rather work/live/pray with Russians than them. Look at the whole Maria Butina thing. That’s exactly

No! I am brown and I refuse to go along with this “all white people”. We need the good white people to fight back and most white people are NOT in favour of this evil. They simply aren’t. Every single good person is an ally right now and I don’t give a fuck if they are white, Christian, Bajoran, Romulan, Chinese...

60% of America = some of the best people on the planet

But if they know they are in serious trouble, then why not move against Trump before it’s too late for them? Or is it a case of being absolutely assured that Russia will help them win no matter how unpopular they become? 

Agreed. Although who knows? The young people growing up in deep red districts might turn out to be just like their parents. 

And he trips and the fat gets smeared all over him. One can dream. 

I know a lot of people are rooting for that bear to show up. 

The good news is he forgot Brazil has been taken over by a dictator and he’s probably going to get jailed soon. Poor Glenn. His plan has always been to attack democracies while also being safe from dictatorships. Things changed too quickly in Brazil. 

But does he, really? I think he’s just a classic bully...a guy terrified of his own shadow but likes to suck up to tough guys who will seemingly protect him so he can feel safe enough to shit on others and then run back to the tough guys. 

yes somehow America still doesn’t want to talk about his mental state. What the fuck is wrong with your country? 

Oh ya I mentioned that in my post...Scalise. Scalise went on to recover which is good but even then he is entirely pro-NRA even now. Even getting shot doesn’t change these people. Last night CNN had a debate about guns and they had a junior GOP rep from Mass. he lost his brother in Sandy Hook but would only discuss

Yes and yes but the outcome and the following events don’t necessarily have to go that way. But that said, I simply don’t see a way around a second civil war at this point. It’s not about a portion of the country that doesn’t see eye to eye with the rest. it’s that the portion that is now in the minority is not only

It’s coming to this. The situation is almost exactly like it was before the French Revolution. 

I’d borrow $250,000 and give it to anyone who can make Trump not exist anymore. 

He clarifies that he doesn’t agree with Trump on some things...but then what DOES he agree with Trump on? Hosting Kushner, Graham etc to boot. What the hell is wrong with these people? Is it tax cuts? That’s good enough for these already rich people to burn down the country? How the fuck do these people sleep at

HOLY SHIT THAT SCARED ME. Don’t ever say it like that! The Golf R can never ever go away 

Some are definitely doing what you described. But I’m not so sure about most of the others especially the GOP reps and senators and the FOX News, Breitbart, OAN crowd. I think they have a very firm belief that most Americans are good people and will never do wrong things. This allows them to bully others and getting

So if your daughter is arrested for loitering, it’s okay for the cops to walk her to the station like this? Maybe rape her while they are at it since we are doing things the 18th century way. 

Much like when they are caught giving a BJ to a malee hooker in a truck stop bathroom, society has to be understanding. Or when their mistresses need an abortion, they go to the best in NYC. Heck just look at where the Fox News studio is located (NY) and where Tucker and Tomi Lahren etc live...they don’t live in rural