

Everything they say is the exact opposite of what they said right before that. It’s the fundamentalist Christian way. They grew up with that shit. 

“This whole Axis Powers thing is a hoax. There are so few of them. You could only fill all of Europe with them.”

I was gonna say...that many people? So he’s admitting there are THAT many people who can do what the El Paso guy did?


They are champions of projecting. They hold power through Russian hacking, gerrymandering and the EC. They are the real minority in the country but accuse others of holding power. 

The American religious/white right is basically the classic bully. They hurt others but when there is a payback they are the first ones to run to their mommy/daddy/principal and play the victim. They are weak. They have no morals, they are far too self-assured that they can say whatever they want but everyone else

Right now, the evangelical churches, Fox News and the GOP think they can push absolutely anything...ANYTHING at all on others. Nothing makes them think “dude no, this is too much”. They are the only victims of everything ever, they are Jesus facing Pilate 24/7 and thus have the greenlight to do whatever they want on

Absolutely. I hate guns and gun ownership and if I saw some dude with a gun open fire at anyone conservative, I would tackle the gunman if possible. That wasn’t my point. My point was your second paragraph...that there have to be consequences for pushing this much hate, danger and guns onto the public. Tucker can say

I would hope so. And again I absolutely do NOT wish for anything like that. There are many absolutely normal human beings who work in their offices or at GOP offices. But sometimes has to give at some point. They can’t just keep pushing guns and white sup. terror on everyone else while they enjoy safety?!

Possible. Depends on how bad the situation turns out. SURELY, something will shake them awake??

Well true but I think we have established that the current GOP/Fox/right wing Christian crowd has zero humanity or care for anyone other than themselves. They have been taught to be the victims since childhood and that victimhood and whataboutism is all they have in their lives. So without an ACTUAL situation they

Hah true but trust me, there are people even more insane than the ones who work at Fox. And who knows? They might even push a “leftist” over the edge who comes hunting at their HQ. That’s what the hyper partisan/tribal Fox types don’t understand. Crazy town can include anybody and can end up hurting YOURSELF so why

You know what the issue is? Neither Republicans, nor Fox News have ever faced an active shooter situation themselves where they work. Sure there was that Scalise thing but the shooter wasn’t able to mow down a whole bunch of people. The problem is both Fox News and the GOP think they can light as many fuses as

Gabbard is being pushed HARD by the Ruskies and I’m assuming some GOP PAC groups as well to muddy the water. That bitch needs to go. And that crystal seller...whatever the fuck her name is. 

Who has a problem with his arrest? They have a problem with him being paraded behind two horses, you motherfucker piece of garbage. 

No I think it’s important the world see what sort of ghouls work for the Trump admin. It’s also a fantastic way to show all Christians what these self-proclaimed conservative “I AM A CATHOLIC” types are really like. The media’s job is to ask them questions. It’s not their fault that the Trump admin is like this.

Bingo. People have to stop behaving like anything normal applies anymore. Obama is the most respected person in doesn’t matter if some of the MAGA chuds hate him. Newsflash, they hate everything and everybody. But Obama might be heard some of the white working class who had voted for him before voting for

Aww cute! And a great article too. 

The damn gun debate IS the main thing, you fucking inbred piece of garbage.