
He will say everything he really wanted to by tomorrow. 

It’s not all that different from their cherry picking of the Bible. Their entire existence has always revolved around a complete lack of continuity, rationale and logic. It’s an existence of going from one minute to the next and doing whatever is the most advantageous during every minute.

Don’t forget Abbott’s meltdown when he thought Obama was invading...Texas. Trump is just the tip of the spear. The rest of the spear is just as rotten as he is. They are a match made in heaven. Notice how he always says “God” nowadays? The evangelicals found their perfect patsy and he found his too. 

Funny how they don’t talk about the $16bill handout last week. But hey then again even the so-called liberal media didn’t bring it out. Goodness forbid they slightly offend Middle know, the part of the country which already hates them and watches Fox News anyway. 

Great post that deserves to be read by more people. Very well said. I don’t know why thoughtful people like you hold no posts of government in your country. I’m sick and tired of the sea of Devin Nuneses, Jim Jordans and Matt Getzes. 

I don’t remember mentioning we have zero problems. Did I write that anywhere? But do we have a ruling party that takes money from a NRA-like organization and did we have 45 mass shooting last year or two in one day? Do we have evangelical pastors who openly engage in politics and support for the far-right party? I did

Sure but a lot of the inner-CA regions are basically red state. I would say they are more redneck red than some actual red states where the cities and even the smaller cities/towns are more balanced and educated. But yes you’re’s not entirely that black and white. I know several Trumpers in upstate NY. Lots

Oh I wasn’t trying to act superior...just that we simply don’t have as many insane people and insane Christian sects like they do. But you’re absolutely right. I used to vote for Harper but I was a foolish young guy back then. But Scheer will be much worse. The CPC isn’t as bad as the GOP is and we simply don’t have

I don’t see them being this bad, though. Yes they have some ridiculous notions about global warming etc but they aren’t 15th century about most other things. Maybe I’m wrong.

Motherfucker is partying it up.

You also had some external events in the world that forced the US to work together in the 20th century. Pax Americana seems to be poison for America. 

I also blame pop culture media. Even the movies made in goddamn LA will always portray rural America as “real America/heartland”. Fuck off. The vast majority of Americans and American GDP is in the cities and coastal/Great Lakes states. 

One of the reasons I stopped being a Christian. Jesus will protect you! *Didn’t happen* Oh then pray for them! *Why did he kill them in the first place?* He has mysterious ways.

It already happened once. I think there are many things about the Middle and south that contribute to America’s greatness. But there is a massive problem now with their Christian sects, their political beliefs, their hatred for people of colour that never went away and Trump is encouraging and enabling every single

Great post. Thanks for that. I think the US constitution is taken far too seriously especially given how outdated some portions of it are, 2A for example. It’s not a document handed down by the gods or something. It was written by fallible men and it should be updated as times change. Add to that the horrible system

It’s unfortunate and it would be EXACTLY what the little fucker Putin wants but a civil war might be necessary. 35% of the country is destroying the rest of the country. It’s become a complete disaster. I’m astonished people aren’t marching on the streets like in Tunisia and Hong Kong. I cannot imagine living in a

I’m jealous! I used to always want a GTI but now it’s your car. 

I’m Canadian but I continue to be astonished each day that the US has ever functioned as one single country. The southern and mid-west parts of your country are essentially cancer (plus or minus the big cities) and a bigger threat to the future of the US than ANY other country. As it was in 1861. It amazes me the US

And hey if things were precarious enough already, the media has decided to double down and get Marianne nominated. Did you watch Bill Maher last night? 

Don’t worry, everybody! The governor of Texas is on top of things and has arrested...the gal who licked the bucket of ice cream.