
Someone said it best on twitter the other day: “Were the Germans holding debates about healthcare in the 30s while the Nazis took over?”

The Defenders of Christian Civilization are all pretty thin-skinned eh? Be it Rubio, Cruz, Pence or Gorka. They want to fight the war of apocalypse but are terrified of a 73yr old fucktard and a reporter. 

Because a lot of gamers tend to be geeks who don’t get the love for cars. I’m both. I’m a gamer geek AND a car guy so I totally get why console makers always go for a shiny metal first. It’s obvious why but they don’t get it because they probably don’t even bother getting driver’s licenses, let alone a nice car. I

That’s the thing. Everybody has their choices. My One S is constantly on. MY PS4 is collecting dust. I turn it on sometimes out of pity. Now, I just bought a GTX 1070-gaming PC so Im set. Even got a 34" ultrawide. So I don’t need the X. BUT there are many people who love shooters and racers but balk at the idea of

Well I’m certainly going to tell Honda every which way I can do bring it back. I have a 10 month old V6 Touring sedan and my plan was/is to get a coupe version in 2 years. But the V6 is a must. I’m beating the shit out of 328i and A4s while using regular gas which bigger rims and it’s cost me $70 CAD in the first 10

Oh man.

NOOOO but ahh I knew this would happen. That’s why I got my gorgeous black on black V6 Touring sedan last July. I ADORE this thing. It feels like a luxury car and it’s seriously powerful yet so civilized and refined. I can’t believe this. I get that it’s low volume...there were like 3 in all of the Toronto area when I

Exactly. The rest of the show was going after rich, white men on the right including Trump. None of that causes outrage and rightly so. I think he shouldn;’t have made that comment but I personally don’t even like it when black people say the word. It’s an offensive word and demeans a great race.

Exactly. But the Liberal Outrage Machine won’t stop to even consider that. I’m on the side fighting the GOP daily but this is a stark reminder why the country has had fucking enough of liberal outrage. Why is there no disgust over rap music’s use of n-word? I love the music but I sometimes turn it off because I feel

Shut the fuck up you Russian cunt

I was a hardcore Sony fanboy with my PS2 from 2001 to 2004. Then in June 2004 I bought the Xbox and Rallisport Challenge 2 and Halo and I never looked back. An Xbox fan to this day, even though I do buy Sony’s consoles as well. The original Xbox was so damn fresh in its time, a lot of people didn’t appreciate it at

Suck my cock you Russian cunt

For a dirty Russian cunt you have pretty good grammar

I agree. I’m a Honda fan and bought a gorgeous black Accord V6 Touring Sedan last year. But I loved the interiors in the GM vehicles I checked out first. I thought they were far superior to the Hyundais and Fords I checked out. Mazdas were pretty good (but overpriced) and the Toyotas were just awful!

So they can act and kill with impunity? Fuck off

Shut up your fucking Russian troll.

Not to mention Honda quality and resale value. I don’t get how these people compare this to a Ford or Hyundai.

My 278HP Accord V6 (2016) sedan begs to differ.

Suck my cock
