
I absolutely hate Trump. But this was absolutely necessary. I’m sorry my fellow liberal friends but Assad had to be sent a message and Trump has done it.

Bill Maher has been doing that for weeks now.

I recently got a LG G5 because I got bored of my 6 Plus. And I must say I love this phone. The 6 Plus was stable but dull and felt too damn big. The G5 is a great size, I got it for very cheap (just $150 Canadian with an upgrade, which is peanuts for a flagship device). I LOVE having a phone with expandable memory, a

There is some truth to your post. The only issue are the continuing contacts, the vast number of those contacts and Nunes now covering for it. What are they all so guilty about? I’m curious to get your take on that.

Just like Nigel Farage couldn’t remember what he talked about with Assange about 30 seconds after he left the Ecuadorian embassy.

Shut the fuck up trailer trash

And why do so many of these GOP guys come off as slave-owner types you’d see in “12 Years a Slave”? Lol. They still have the same bubbling anger.

Gowdy was begging to be punched in the face. Nunes looks like he’s shitting himself.

Fuck Gowdy, fuck Nunes, fuck King. Motherfuckers. Traitors.

Anybody else find Civ 6 to be really dull. It seems to have become a Firaxis thing since the mundane Beyond Earth.

He’s a Russian troll. ignore him.

Man you’re working overtime today, eh Ivan? Ivan, I can’t wait till someday your piece of shit country is nuked from orbit.

Shut the fuck up you Russian magot.

It amazes me that we STILL haven’t moved past the whole “Bernie was cheated” nonsense. It annoys me that people still promote him and Bernie himself is trying to mould the party in his own image in spite of being rejected soundly in the primaries. Fuck him. I hate him as much as I hate Trump, Bannon, Miller, et al.

I’m with you. I LOVE the movie. i09 seems to be a place where certain movies and shows HAVE to be hated such as Prometheus and Voyager which quite a few people outside of this place like.

Good points! I agree with you. I’m not fan of the GOP but surely most of them wouldn’t support this sort of behaviour and subterfuge.

I get what you’re saying but if the dossier and video and other contacts turn out to be true (and I have no doubt that they are), what happens then? We clearly have a president and several staff possibly who have been in contact with a fairly hostile country even if they aren’t The Enemy. How much policy is being done

Exactly. Why do you think he’s doing backflips (as are Spicer and Miller) to discredit the media? The shit is coming soon, the fan is on but they’re trying to get us to not believe the shit and the fan exist.

True. I still think Bill has always been a centrist and this is what a centrist does...he exposes the extremes on both sides.

Yes and no. Yes, you are correct but no, it’s on HBO and it’s mostly educated, high-income and liberal people who watch it. Now, yes, he will have clips from the show too but how did the clips for Piers look? I totally get what you’re saying BUT I think it’s good to expose these bastards instead of giving them the