
But isn’t that the whole point? He exposed Piers Morgan last week and we’re still enjoying the Harry Potter lady tear him apart on Twitter. He isn’t giving Milo a platform or reinforcing as much as he is letting the world see what sort of slime ball he truly is. He had Tomi Lahren on too and she came off exactly as

Also known as “Paradise” or “Music will never be better than this again”

This motherfucker and his Russian FSB front called Wikileaks are now trying to pull the same stunt on France as they did on the US. It’s amazing how many useful fools Putin found himself, be they Republican evangelical voters or Assange.

If they are indeed in harm’s way in the US then I can totally understand why they’d want to come here. I just wish people could do it legally and to that end we need to have less draconian policies for those at harm in both the US and Canada.

This is terrible and heartbreaking. But at the same time, as a legal immigrant to Canada (from India) who went through all the hoops, paid money etc to do it the right way, I just wonder if it’s morally right to enter a country illegally and live and work there. Of course I totally understand there are MANY who are in

1) beirut is no longer a war zone 2) Istanbul does have an increasing problem but it was far safer till about 2 years ago. For that matter Paris is just as unsafe if you think about it. 3) Egypt does have a government although a dictatorship I admit but my point was it’s not ALL “American Sniper” street in Baghdad all

I agree. But I’m not surprised. This wasn’t an election, it was a coup. And when a coup happens, the ruling class is no longer beholden to the people. I mean, the just took out the agency in charge of watching out for election tampering. But when you a voter base that’s essentially a death cult that pretends to be

I totally understand. And I didn’t say we can’t force them to take our side or hold their feet to the fire. BUT, overall they will go the way the wind and their quarters blow. I’m not anti-corporations by any means but I understand the nature of the beast. We are on our own.

I understand but I still wouldn’t expect them to be “allies”. Just look at this article.

You’re a fucking idiot if you think all of the Muslim world is the same. Ever been to Istanbul, Beirut, Kuala Lumpur, Alexandria etc? Do they have issues? Sure. But LA is probably more violent than most of those cities.

I always find it hilarious when people look up to corporations for moral leadership. Oh they signed a document challenging the ban! Wooow. That totally makes all of their tax-dodging and slave-labour hiring practices A-OK! Stop it, guys. In our fight against Trump and the GOP, it’s just us people. Nobody is going to

Just watched the movie on iTunes (Apple TV) last night. It was fantastic for the first 45mins and I was in awe but then it slowly began to draw on me that it’s not going to go anywhere from here.

Shut the fuck up you cunt-ass motherfucker.

Hi Ivan! Your English has improved lately!

It’s partly that but remember if he truly hated America, he would have released dirt on the GOP too, which he didn’t. He didn’t even ask for Trump’s tax returns until now. So logic dictates that while he probably does hate America, he is willing to help Russia in their quest to America.

Why are you guys even bothering with these obvious Russian trolls? They’ve been on The Guardian boards for years now

True! Someone has to keep showing them the (stupid) way.

Hi Ivan!!! Ivan, I was wondering...what was the deal with Rasputin anyway? Could never quite figure it out! Since you’re a Russian yourself, maybe you can explain it to me. SPASIBO!!!

Where? In Leningrad?

They don’t need professional Ruskie trolls anymore. Must to their amusement, the “patriotic” right wingers are more than happy to defend RT/Russia/Putin now. They’re probably sitting back, having their lunches and laughing their heads off when Bob from Arkansas actually IS Bob from Arkansas and yet welcoming Russian