
I have zero issues with it. Much like many other things Putin does, he uses Western freedom of press rules to run a propaganda network disguised as a news network. Do all news channels have their own slant? Of course. But you have to watch RT for about 10 mins to figure out there is slant and then there is Kremlin PR

I agree! But I guess my point was more about the inability for anybody to stop Trump and his admin at this late stage. Surely there should be *SOME* fail-safes built into the system for situations like this.

True. I agree with you. I guess my disappointment is heightened about the US because I just EXPECT America to not go down this horrid route.

Very unfortunate!

I TOTALLY see Kevin winning the PC post and then Canada itself. And with all the stupid things Justin is doing lately, I def see it happening.


Not entirely, of course. But right now? People should be shouting at these morons!

Oh I detest the man. But I meant mostly from the perspective of that at leasts he’s not a puppet for the Pakistanis.

Too good.

I honestly don’t get America. I come from India and am now a Canadian citizen and even in India Trump would have been stopped long before it got to this. But it seems America’s good people are too concerned about decorum than stopping this flaming train-wreck first. I’m astonished it’s come to this. I feel sorry for


Shut the fuck up, Ivan.

But what is so terrible about this? Not everybody is looking for a 1990s designed diesel manual hatch (the ONLY think enthusiasts like). People enjoy a good car. I just bought a V6 Accord Touring Sedan and it does everything well and is good looking, powerful, quiet and crisp. And it’s cheap to maintain, reliable, has

That’s a sweeeet car man! You have good taste

He/she is saying somebody will come along and say that.

I love right wing shits like you talk about others being butthurt WHILE BEING BUTTHURT ABOUT WHAT YOU WERE COMPLAINING ABOUT IN THE FIRST PLACE.

I would often hear it the minute I’d punch in and step into the store floor and start my shift. And after being at university all day and then starting at 4:30pm, it was like adding insult to injury lol. It didn’t help that it’s truly a terrible song. We had other peppier songs that had some dance beats in them which

I’d tap dat all of 2017

I heard “Closing time” by that 90s asshole singer (i refuse to remember is name right now) a zillion time at the start of my shift everyday during my awful Staples era. Fuck that song.

That’s basically what is meant when people say “man-made climate change”. The acceleration part of it is implied and understood. You have to a stupid motherfucker and/or an evangelist to miss it.