
The ONLY good thing about the Trump presidency will be that we will ALL be equally miserable, albeit for our own unique reasons, but miserable all the same. Misery loves company’s latin version shall become the new US motto until he and his hellspawn are finally kicked out/voted out.

It does but he has a good point, and I say that as someone who loves Windows. My Macs are always in “out of the box” mode. They never slow down.

Exactly. And the tax returns etc too. Ridiculous.

They cannot ignore but they are giving him and his asshole surrogates and supporters equal credence and that’s dangerous. Look for the other article The Concourse posted this evening about the Alt-Right asshole talking about Jews and you’ll see what I mean. We don’t have to allow Trump and his kind any sort of benefit

Exactly. No matter how much bitching the media engages in now, the fact of the matter is they kept Trump in the news 24/7. Wall to wall. For many days until the Comey “Change of Heart”(TM) hit, she was anonymous. Her supporters kept saying “well she wants to keep a low profile and let Trump fuck up” but I’m a

The media, including The Slot/Gawker-in-hiding is making the same mistake that led to Trump winning: giving him constant media coverage. In the last few weeks, it didn’t even seen like Hillary was running against him. It was Donald 24/7. And if this continues, he’s going to essentially own America just from being so

I agree. I’m a Christian and I fucking HATE these Republicans. I’m pro-gay marriage, pro-abortion and pray to a forgiving Jesus. These bastards don’t represent Christianity.

Milo just posted a new video. You have better things to do now, like go watch that instead of being here.

I honestly think that the red half of America and especially the south the Mid-east/west, live in some sort of sub-America, a different universe. Everything is different there and they take pride in being different even if that different essentially boils down to being stupid as fuck.

In it a twisted way you are right. Like My Dad has been saying all week...”sometimes you have to let people make bad mistakes. Only then can they learn and accept that their old ways don’t work anymore”. This is the last hurrah, the last stand of a racist America. America herself is becoming more diverse, modern and

You forgot the #msm and #benghazi hashtags.

Don’t even....don’t. Just don’t. Lol

Same. It was almost a jarring sense of relief.


Everyday starts with a heart attack now. HOW THE FUCK CAN FLYNN BE THE NSA???????? THIS IS MADNESS.

He’s going to be on tour like a 19th century “freak circus act”. “STEP RIGHT UP FOLKS. LOOK AT HIS HANDS. IS HIS HAIR REAL?”

Very well said. I hate Comey for sure but Breitbart did orbital bombardment while the Clinton camp just let it happen. Even with the emails. Fucking do something. Strike back! Release those tax returns. Nope. Just a bunch of Jay-Z and beyonce sing alongs at the end.

Bingo. That’s the crux of the matter.

I don’t blame her. She’s probably more in shock about what this means for the country she loves rather than her own loss. I’d feel the same way too. Such a shame. We could have been looking forward towards the first female president (I’m male and I was excited) and yet here we are wondering what colour swastika badges

Because you probably read and educate yourself and not just from a news source that confirms your biases but challenges them. I was always mildly right leaning but my go-to sources are The Guardian and Reuters and they taught me the importance of looking at the full picture and not just headlines that comfort me