
Definitely. But now that we are past that stage, how are we sitting around just watching this muppet select Nazis and evangelist extremists for his cabinet. A narrow election victory shouldn’t serve as a blank cheque. There should still be some decorum, some rules. At this point I’m expecting Putin to be the Sec of

EXACTLY. That’s what I tell my Dad. He always says that for everything. “They’ll take care of it”. Who is they? I’ve been hearing that from many people about Syria, about Trump about so many things. God help us.

I’m still in shock ANY of these assholes are forming a government while we are all looking on helplessly. Obama has literally left the country, Hillary has beamed off the planet and back onto the USS Defiant and even the Pope has no Nice Things(TM) to say anymore. We’re just going to sit around and wring our

What a fantastic post! I completely agree and I think it will end badly for those working class folk when Trump slaps tariffs of 35% on Fords and GMs that those people always buy. He won’t be able to bring any jobs back but he will certainly manage to ruin what they can afford.

Haha you just described my evening. I kept saying “look, look! John King said that Wayne County is still at 5%. That’s going to carry Michigan and Wisconsin will clearly turn around!”. But when she lost NC I knew it was over. It was a strange thought to think that Trump was now going to win. And then my mind switched

Very well said! Esp the choice of biased media. I wish people would do more to educate themselves and understand the world in a bigger way.

Pretty much. Like I still understand and appreciate that jobs are indeed leaving the West and its tough out there but me and my family came to Canada in 2000 with 8 suitcases and nothing else. My Dad went from a VP position at a agri-business multinational in India to handing customers their keys at a Ford dealership

And it literally gets worse everyday! Everyday you start the day going “there is no way *insert another clown that supported Trump and is a complete asshole* is going to head *insert important US govt dept*” and boom, that happens. At this point if an alien fleet shows up next week to make us all into burger patties

Why don’t you just scroll past the articles that you don’t want to read? You’re like those old ladies who complain about leud radio jocks even though they don’t even listen to those shows.

Yup. That’s what I told my Dad. Watch out for the Reichstag Fire II. I don’t see these guys ever giving up power without it coming to normal conclusion of them taking suicide pills in a bunker.

“Fact is stranger (and more fucked up) than fiction”

Maybe. But look at how the FBI seems to support Trump and even look the other way on Russia. This is unprecedented.

True, yes 18%. But they have such a big say now that it might as well be 50%. Very sad. I have always looked to America to lead but this muppets will (temporarily) wreck American leadership all because of their bigotry and small-mindedness. Shame.

I just find it hard to imagine anybody making a point about Hillary being a stick in the mud by allowing a situation where Kellyanne Conway and Steve Bannon get cabinet jobs.

I’m Canadian but I adore America as well and I feel like all this is some sort of bad dream. How can this be allowed to happen? How is half of such an advanced country so hell-bent on going back to the 18th century? It doesn’t make any sense. I’m originally from India and even though it’s screwed up in many ways,


Yeah I know this Polish-Canadian friend of mine who is hoping and praying that happens. I keep telling him that he’s wrong but he won’t listen. He’ll find out the hard way when Trump let’s Putin march on Warsaw.

Sometimes it’s also important for people to make mistakes and find out the hard way why the world they yearn so much for is gone for good. Let them find out for themselves and once it becomes clear that he won’t bring any jobs back or deport anyone, they will go back to accepting that perhaps America has indeed

Which is itself is reason for concern. People should have voted to keep Trump out.

Thanks for being a voice of reason and fighting off these fucking morons. Chin up, friend. Most people agree with you and I believe the vast majority of Americans are good souls and they won’t let Trump ruin the progress your nation has made.