
I absolutely agree. I’m a socially liberal Christian who supports woman’s right to choose and same sex marriage etc and I loved your comment. I’m vehemently opposed to such backward thinking and I am ashamed that such bigots pretend to be Christian. Most Christians I know are modern, easy going and tolerant people.

You forgot to add “Benghazi” to your post.

I knew this was coming! Terrible upgrade. I’m in Canada too so I bought a 13 MacBook Air for just $1267 Canadian in June. No way am I spending more than $2000 on a laptop.

THANK YOU! I’d almost immediately stopped playing the game because of this issue. Diving back in now. P.S - Playing Deus Ex: Human Revolution finally on Xbox One (Director’s Cut disc). WOW what a game. Random, I know, but had to say it to someone.

This sucks. Sleeping Dogs was a magnificent game that completely surprised me and many others to whom I had recommended the game. I even criticized their decision to make Smash + Grab on Facebook and got the reply that all their product decisions are made by Square Enix. Square Enix seems intent upon ignoring Sleeping

I agree then! :)

Hahahaha I just pictured the GOP guys shaking Bernie’s hand and agreeing to fund his free education bill lol

Excellent post. Extra points for knowing who the Merovingians were ;) But I do challenge your notion that all centre-right wingers are racist. I am a centre-right person who is pro-choice, pro-same sex marriage and support the BLM movement but am hawkish on foreign policy. I’m not racist by any means and I know many

No Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 on Sept 13?

I LOVE ME: Catalyst esp on the PS4. It’s utterly stunning...a display of how video game can be art.

I’d rather have SSX but since EA ignores that series for some strange reason, I’ll buy this, take a picture of me hugging it and send it to EA.


Between Hero U and this I've completely stopped any Kickstarter funding. So tired of the constant delays and the stupid emails explaining everything but where my bloody product is.

Why so cranky? Go for a walk.

I can’t figure out the love for Xcom 2. I LOVED the first one. But no matter how much I try the second one, I can’t get past the AI that cheats, the game being way too hard right from the first mission, the 8 turns bullshit that forces me to sprint straight ahead.... I really want to play it. I LOVE Xcom. But Xcom 2

Haha very true!

That’s the whole point right? Before 9/11 I doubt many people thought, two towers could be brought down like that. ISIS etc exist to come up with zany ideas all day. These guys have to stay one step ahead. It only takes one slip up for many people to die.

Yup. Notice the little snarky ditty about drone warfare. Because of course, the NYPD doing a drill in a school with a little flying RC toy is the same as a Predator missile strike on a terror cell in Yemen.

The first rule of Gawker is that “it be-eth stupid until we do it as well”. Have you guys seen the Jalopnik front page? It’s got more flashing .gifs that a MySpace page from 2000.

No he’s a 21st century Brit...mainly a shithead who’s ultra jealous about America. Miserable people, that whole lot.