Barnes Burner

This spec war nonsense has always confused non-Apple people. There are two things that you are missing.

That's under the 'Donte' Stallworth' section.

Wait, where's 'getting hit by a car'?

This guy (this is a screenshot of a message to me) needs to meet her. I bet they have loads in common.

Easy there Ray, I don't appreciate you trampling my First Amendment rights .

+1, sheeple. We're through the looking glass here.

1. If jet fuel doesn't burn hot enough to melt steel, then how di-

I've been informed that Canada did the temperatures wrong and it is not, in fact, below freezing.

Agree, and this, and the Ray Rice story, remind me of why there is a public interest here...when I hear about your brother's ex-wife, I'm scared, not just for him, but for me. I don't want to move every day in a society populated by violent angry people who feel like they can just hit whomever, whether lover or

Their earlier tweets are pretty corny and tone-deaf. But, to be fair, they say that delivery is 90% of comedy, and DiGiorno doesn't do delivery.

Rape is a crime, too. And there's no reason to be ashamed of it. Why shouldn't we show tapes of that based on your argument?

Thank you! I get called a "MRA" and a misandrist for opinions like this all the time but all I want is complete equality. It's possible to have a good conversation about domestic violence where men are allowed to have a voice too.

Precisely—and you know they're (the MRA neckbeard fedora brigade) gonna cling onto this statement like, "OH NOES, PERSECUTION"

I agree, but I do wish he hadn't stuck to the gender binary, women as victims thing. Women are more likely to be victims, but intimate partner violence also happens to men and is an issue in the LGBTQ community. Men often have more difficulty identifying what's happening to them as domestic violence and are more

Hey, football, you are silly.

I think it's great that they have the words right there if they forget, but isn't a bit presumptuous to assume Maryland students can read?

Have you seen the sleeveless 2nd Amendment ones?

Twenty or so odd years counts as "promptly" nowadays. Other things that are "prompt":

A lot of fair points here and I find myself conflicted and, probably, a hypocrite (we'll see how I do tonight). My only issue with what you're saying is I don't hear a specific cry for what needs to change.